357 open source projects by IBM

202. TDD-NodeJS-Containers
Code pattern showing some Best Practices when building a world class Node.js microservice
203. template-node-typescript
Github Template that uses TypeScript with Node.js to create a BFF or Microservice API with Open API Specification
204. data-broker
The Data Broker (DBR) is a distributed, in-memory container of key-value stores enabling applications in a workflow to exchange data through one or more shared namespaces. Thanks to a small set of primitives, applications in a workflow deployed in a (possibly) shared nothing distributed cluster, can easily share and exchange data and messages wi…
205. pytorch-cifar10-in-ibm-cloud
Train CIFAR10 with PyTorch using IBM Watson Studio -- The code is forked from kuangliu (https://github.com/kuangliu/pytorch-cifar) and adapted for submitting the model to IBM Watson Machine Learning on Watson Studio for training. It is meant to get you quick-started. We hope you have some fun running your first models in IBM Cloud
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207. argocd-interlace
Enabling Software Supply Chain Security Capabilities in ArgoCD
208. WordMoversEmbeddings
WordMoversEmbeddings(WME) is a simple code for generating the vector representation of sentence/document for text classification and clustering.
209. FormalML
Formalization of Machine Learning Theory with Applications to Program Synthesis
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211. EAD-Attack
Codes for reproducing the white-box adversarial attacks in “EAD: Elastic-Net Attacks to Deep Neural Networks via Adversarial Examples,” AAAI 2018
212. flask-microservice
WARNING: This repository is no longer maintained ⚠️ This repository will not be updated.
213. example-health-synthea
Example Health is a conceptual healthcare/insurance type company. This repository contains the tools we used to populate the databases with synthesized patient data.
214. sgx-trust-management
215. ovsdb-etcd
Implementation of OVSDB over etcd
216. nodejs-express-app
Start building your next Node.js Express app on IBM Cloud.
217. cp4d-deployment
These terraform scripts are developed to deploy CloudPakforData on the public cloud.
218. knowledge-enabled-textual-entailment
Natural Language Inference is fundamental to many Natural Language Processing applications such as semantic search and question answering. The task of NLI has gained significant attention in the recent times due to the release of fairly large scale, challenging datasets. Present approaches that address NLI are largely focused on learning based o…
219. monitoring ui
WARNING: This repository is no longer maintained ⚠️ This repository will not be updated. The repository will be kept available in read-only mode. Use React.js, Watson IoT Platform, and the Hyperledger Fabric Node SDK to interact with an IBM Blockchain service
220. ibm-spectrum-scale-csi
The IBM Spectrum Scale Container Storage Interface (CSI) project enables container orchestrators, such as Kubernetes and OpenShift, to manage the life-cycle of persistent storage.
224. pytorch-on-watson-studio
Use Watson Studio and PyTorch to create a machine learning model to recognize hand-written digits
226. python-flask-app
Start building your next Python Flask app on IBM Cloud.
227. monitor-wml-model-with-watson-openscale
Monitor performance, fairness, and quality of a WML model with AI OpenScale APIs
228. watson-discovery-news
A Node.js web app that uses the Watson Discovery News service to query and view the latest trending news items.
230. banking-digitalization-using-hybrid-cloud-with-mainframes
The following journey will introduce the available Banking APIs published on IBM Cloud with logical business programs running on the IBM Z Mainframe through a simulated retail bank called MPLbank.
231. fuse-med-ml
A python framework accelerating ML based discovery in the medical field by encouraging code reuse. Batteries included :)
232. photorealistic-blocksworld
Dataset generator for the realistic blocksworld environment
233. kgi-slot-filling
This is the code for our KILT leaderboard submissions (KGI + Re2G models).
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234. node-red-app
Node-RED application that can be deployed into IBM Cloud with a few clicks
235. drupal-on-kubernetes-sample
Setup a Drupal site using Kubernetes and Postgres on IBM Cloud
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237. plex
The package of IBM’s typeface, IBM Plex.
238. MAX-Sports-Video-Classifier
Categorize sports videos according to which sport the video depicts.
239. sms-analysis-with-wks
Analyzing SMS offers for domain specific entities using Watson Knowledge Studio and Watson's Natural Language Understanding
240. ibm-cloud-functions-rest-api-trigger
IBM Cloud Functions building block - HTTP REST Trigger - This project provides a starting point for handling events from REST API calls with IBM Cloud Functions powered by Apache OpenWhisk.
242. covid19-india-data
Publicly available structured COVID-19 data from India, extracted automatically from daily health bulletins published by state governments.
243. mac-ibm-notifications
macOS agent used to display custom notifications and alerts to the end user.
245. Hyperledger-Fabric-for-Trusted-IoT
No description, website, or topics provided.
246. support-ticket-classification
Build an app that classifies various consumer complaint support tickets using IBM Watson Natural Language Classifier (NLC)
247. ibm-cos-sdk-java
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250. icp-airways
Build an airline booking platform with a microservices architecture deployed on a private cloud
201-250 of 357 user projects