All Git Users → bizz84

28 open source projects by bizz84

1. Time tracker flutter course
Source code for every lesson in the "Flutter & Firebase: Build a Complete App for iOS & Android" course on Udemy
2. Mvcarouselcollectionview
UICollectionView-based image carousel written in Swift
✭ 199
3. Bottom bar fab flutter
BottomAppBar Navigation with FAB
4. Sustainable Earth
A curated list of all things sustainable
5. Coding With Flutter Login Demo
Source code for login demo in Coding with Flutter series
✭ 139
6. Multiple Counters Flutter
Flutter State Management [ setState ❖ StreamBuilder ❖ scoped_model ❖ redux ]
7. Stopwatch Flutter
Simple stopwatch example app in Flutter
8. Movie app state management flutter
Flutter State Management: Movie App with Provider, Riverpod, flutter_bloc
9. Firebase Login Flutter
Sample login and registration app with Firebase built in Flutter.
10. Slivers demo flutter
Example Layouts with Slivers in Flutter
✭ 77
11. Codewithandrea flutter packages
A collection of packages created to increase code reuse across many of my Flutter projects.
✭ 64
12. Acceptancemark
Tool for generating Acceptance Tests in Xcode, inspired by Fitnesse
✭ 62
13. Layout Demo Flutter
Super Useful Flutter Layouts - Right in Your Pocket. 😉
14. Itunessearch.js
Javascript client for App Store Lookup based on iTunes Search API
15. Swiftystorekit
Lightweight In App Purchases Swift framework for iOS 8.0+, tvOS 9.0+ and macOS 10.10+ ⛺
16. Starter architecture flutter firebase
Starter Architecture Demo for Flutter & Firebase Realtime Apps
✭ 622
17. Firebase auth demo flutter
Reference Authentication Flow with Flutter & Firebase
✭ 506
18. Flutter example apps
A directory of all my open source Flutter apps and projects.
19. Nested Navigation Demo Flutter
Nested navigation with BottomNavigationBar
20. MVSelectorScrollView
Simple scrollable horizontal control, alternative to UISegmentedControl
21. flutter animations gallery
A showcase of the most common Flutter animation APIs.
22. MVHorizontalPicker
Simple scrollable horizontal control, alternative to UISegmentedControl
23. OAuthRequestBuilderSwift
OAuth Authentication with Custom Headers in Swift
24. github search flutter client rxdart example
Example GitHub Search app built in Flutter & RxDart
25. fitness tracker flutter
Fitness Tracker - Flutter UI Demo
26. simple auth comparison flutter
Flutter State Management Comparison: [ setState ❖ BLoC ❖ ValueNotifier ❖ Provider ]
27. firebase user avatar flutter
Advanced Provider Architecture Demo: Image Picker + Firebase Storage Upload
28. flight co2 calculator flutter
Flutter package and sample app to calculate Flight CO2 emissions
1-28 of 28 user projects