Top 94 dartlang open source projects

1. Flutter Demos
Learn to develop mobile apps using Flutter for both Android and iOS
2. Jiffy
Jiffy is a Flutter (Android, IOS and Web) date time package inspired by momentjs for parsing, manipulating, querying and formatting dates
3. Parallax Image
A Flutter widget that paints an image and moves it at a slower speed than the main scrolling content.
5. Betterplayer
Better video player for Flutter, with multiple configuration options. Solving typical use cases!
8. Flutter app badger
Support to update the app badge on the launcher (both for Android and iOS)
9. Jaguar orm
Source-generated ORM with relations (one-to-one, one-to-many, many-to-many), preloading, cascading, polymorphic relations, etc
11. Hydrated bloc
An extension to the bloc state management library which automatically persists and restores bloc states.
13. Packages.flutter
👨‍💻 Plugins and packages for Flutter framework
14. Graphic
A Flutter data visualization library based on Grammar of Graphics.
15. Cinereel
A TMDB client built with Flutter using the BLoC pattern. This app is my way of learning Flutter, so take what you see here with a grain of salt
16. Axion Technologies Hnh
Hotter’n Hell Hundred is the largest one hundred mile cycling events in the United States and the world. Held in Wichita Falls, TX, this event brings thousands of registrants within the city limits, resulting in a spike in revenue throughout local businesses, restaurants, and hotels, and overall for the city of Wichita Falls. There are several sub-events within the Hotter’n Hell Hundred, such as different races, dining events, consumer shows and a medical symposium. The proposed Hotter’n Hell Hundred mobile application serves as the ultimate source of information for the events, enabling users to quickly register for events and explore local places. In addition, the mobile application allows users to navigate through race during the event, tracking their speed, nearby rest stops, alternate routes, and finish line, ensuring the best possible experience during their stay in Wichita Falls.
18. Party flutter
Party Charades game created in Flutter.
19. Groupchatapp
Developed a Group chat application using Flutter and Firebase, where users can register and create groups or join already existing groups and start conversing with each other.
20. Sailor
Easy page navigation and management in Flutter apps.
21. Flutter Snippets
An IntelliJ IDEA & Android Studio plugin that adds Live Templates to your IDE saving time writing the boilerplate in Flutter.
22. Design Patterns In Dart
Gang of Four (GOF) design patterns implemented in Dart. Contributions welcome!
23. Dart Sip Ua
A dart-lang version of the SIP UA stack.
24. Extended navbar scaffold
A Custom Extended Scaffold with Expandable and Floating Navigation Bar
25. Multiple Counters Flutter
Flutter State Management [ setState ❖ StreamBuilder ❖ scoped_model ❖ redux ]
26. Fresh
🍋 A token refresh library for Dart.
27. Dart lsp
Tools for writing a language server following the Language Server Protocol.
28. People
People is great app with smart UI with new look animation
29. Gradientappbar
Gradient app bar for Flutter
30. Datepickertimelineflutter
Flutter Date Picker Library that provides a calendar as a horizontal timeline
31. Awesome Angel
A curated list of awesome Angel plug-ins, apps, and resources.
32. Flutter scrolling calendar
A calendar widget to easily scroll through the years 🗓
33. Flutter billing
Flutter plugin to enable billing on iOS and Android.
34. Screenshot
Flutter Screenshot Library
35. Day night switch
A day night switch widget for Flutter.
36. Novum
Novum is a news app built with flutter.
37. Dart Code Metrics
Software analytics tool that helps developers analyse and improve software quality.
39. Spider
A small dart library to generate Assets dart code from assets folder.
41. Node Interop
Interop library for writing Node.js apps and modules in Dart.
43. Sytody
a Flutter "speech to todo" app example
44. Flutter.bird
Clone of Flappy Bird game on Flutter.
45. Flutter
All of my open source flutter and dart projects, tutorials are published here.
46. Messenger
A Messenger UI built in Flutter | Design by -
47. Firebase Admin Interop
Firebase Admin Interop Library for Dart
48. Livestream Flutter
Dart package to which makes data communication easy among different modules of your application.
49. Mustache4dart
mustache implementation for Dart
1-50 of 94 dartlang projects