All Git Users → hustcc

36 open source projects by hustcc

1. Gantt For React
🌿 Frappe Gantt components for React wrapper. 一个简单的甘特图 React 组件封装。
2. Jest Date Mock
🌗 Mock `Date` when run unit test cases with jest. Make tests of Date easier.
3. React Adsense
📽 a simple React-component for Google AdSense / Baidu advertisement.
4. Jest Canvas Mock
🌗 A module used to mock canvas in Jest.
5. Ribbon.js
🎀 Only 1kb javascript gist to generate a ribbon in your website with HTML5 canvas.
6. Timeago
⌛️ Simple library used to format datetime with `*** time ago` statement. eg: "3 hours ago".
7. Webhookit
Simple git webhook cli tool for automation tasks, bind git webhook to action.
8. Alimask
😷 alimask 是一个使用 canvas 生成类似阿里巴巴内部网站水印图片的 JavaScript 库。
9. Placeholder.js
⚡️ < 1Kb library to generate image placeholders on client side
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10. Size Sensor
🌿 1Kb DOM element size sensor which will callback when size changed.
11. Chrome Qrcode
⚡️ A Chrome plugin to Genrate QRCode of URL / Text, or Decode the QRcode in website. 一个Chrome浏览器插件,用于生成当前URL或者选中内容的二维码,同时可以用于解析网页上的二维码内容。
12. Jest Electron
❯ ⚛️The easiest way to run and debug test cases in electron with jest.
13. Ireact
🎁 iReact: Fantastic React Components and Libraries! Makes it easy for you to pick one that’ll work for you.
14. Wrapcache
⚡️ A python Function / Method OUTPUT cache system base on function Decorators.
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15. Hint
重构到 --->
16. Xhr.js
🌎 xhr.js is a library(< 2Kb) to make AJAX/HTTP requests with XMLHttpRequest.
⚠️ 🏥 Chrome浏览器插件——打开莆田系医院网站,发出警告提醒、显示医院信息。
18. Pyg2plot
🎨 Python3 binding for `@AntV/G2Plot` Plotting Library .
19. Timeago.js
🕗 ⌛ timeago.js is a tiny(2.0 kb) library used to format date with `*** time ago` statement.
20. Onfire.js
🔫 onfire.js is a nano version (~500b) for event-emitter.
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21. Js Sorting Algorithm
一本关于排序算法的 GitBook 在线书籍 《十大经典排序算法》,多语言实现。
22. Canvas Nest.js
♋ Interactive Particle / Nest System With JavaScript and Canvas, no jQuery.
23. Echarts For React
⛳️ Apache ECharts components for React wrapper. 一个简单的 Apache echarts 的 React 封装。
24. Timeago React
🕗 Simple and efficient react component to format date with `*** time ago` statement. eg: '3 hours ago'.
25. Xmorse
🌞 ~1.5Kb morse code library for all. 一个支持 Unicode 中文摩斯密码编码的 Javascript 库。
26. jchatting
Chat system developed by Java Swing & Java Socket. 使用Java Swing和Java Socket API实现的聊天系统。
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27. React-G2Plot
🤖 Unofficial react component wrapper for @antvis/G2Plot
28. aliyun-oss-deploy
🙈 一个 nodejs 命令行工具,用于部署静态资源到 aliyun oss,支持代码方式和 CLI 方式!
29. GitHub-Repo-Widget.js
A good looking github repository widget to add to your website. Not depends on jQuery or Other.
⚡A python lib to search Manufacturer of physical network card by mac address. 一个通过物理地址查询网卡所属厂商的Python库。
31. tplv
👣 Nano string template library for modern, based on ES6 template string syntax.
32. word-table
◼️ a simple javascript (browserjs / nodejs) library for drawing tables in the terminal / console, unicode supported.
33. miz
🎯 Generate fake data, Just like a person.
34. variable-type
👏 ~ 1 kb. Schema validation. 一个只有 1 kb 的用于变量结构校验的库。
35. diff-text
Just get the diff of a simple inline text, simple mode.
36. post-messenger
👶 ~1 Kb wrapper of window.postMessage for cross-document communication.
1-36 of 36 user projects