Halite IiSeason 2 of @twosigma's artificial intelligence programming challenge
Learning GoSource code repository for my book "Learning Go Programming"
Ci editA terminal text editor with mouse support and ctrl+Q to quit.
Webhookit Simple git webhook cli tool for automation tasks, bind git webhook to action.
Dailyhack🐱💻 Tiny Tiny Hacks we use in our daily life.
CodeatlasvsixA graph-based code navigation plugin for Visual Studio
CellsLive coding environment. Use SuperCollider, Python, TidalCycles, Node.js etc. in the same project.
Guide To Staying ProductiveIf you're looking for ways to stay motivated and focused, while still having fun, this guide is for you! Contributions and any kind of improvements are very welcome!
NovaNOVA is a tool for annotating and analyzing behaviours in social interactions. It supports Annotators using Machine Learning already during the coding process. Further it features both, discrete labels and continuous scores and a visuzalization of streams recorded with the SSI Framework.
App IdeasA Collection of application ideas which can be used to improve your coding skills.
Thimble.mozilla.orgUPDATE: This project is no longer maintained. Please check out Glitch.com instead.
Coding further"Coding further" is made for my students who graduated from Le Wagon coding bootcamp and are just now exploring the world of programming.
Hacker Laws Zh💻📖对开发人员有用的定律、理论、原则和模式。(Laws, Theories, Principles and Patterns that developers will find useful.)
HackphilesBruteForce Tool For both Instagram and Facebook
Ppd599USC urban data science course series with Python and Jupyter
Devops ExercisesLinux, Jenkins, AWS, SRE, Prometheus, Docker, Python, Ansible, Git, Kubernetes, Terraform, OpenStack, SQL, NoSQL, Azure, GCP, DNS, Elastic, Network, Virtualization. DevOps Interview Questions
DevelopersrisingArchive only! DISSOLVED! Verein zur Förderung von ProgrammiererInnen 💻 🎉
Coding Now学习记录的一些笔记,以及所看得一些电子书eBooks、视频资源和平常收纳的一些自己认为比较好的博客、网站、工具。涉及大数据几大组件、Python机器学习和数据分析、Linux、操作系统、算法、网络等
Robotopia🤖 Introducing kids to coding with tiny virtual robots!
EbookOrganize valuable books
Webdevscom😍 All kinds of resources for Developers 🔱 in one place.
Hacker Laws💻📖 Laws, Theories, Principles and Patterns that developers will find useful. #hackerlaws
Discord bot.py🍺 A simple discord bot that helps you getting started within discord.py
Time2codePortable Scalable web code editor to integrate into your sites and learning experiences
Telegram ListList of telegram groups, channels & bots // Список интересных групп, каналов и ботов телеграма // Список чатов для программистов
C Code StyleRecommended C code style and coding rules for standard C99 or later
c2c2017Course material and references for Campus To Corporate course, 2017.
food-helpA clone of popular food and business review web app yelp
DevelopmentAll sort of public guides and information related to mobile development.
Let-Us-Java[Hacktoberfest 2021] Any amazing 🔥 💯 code you may think of in Java, Let's compile all of them here
coding-aiCodingAI is an open source application and it helps to find a mentor related your technologies stack.