All Git Users → jonschlinkert

133 open source projects by jonschlinkert

102. in-array
Return true if a value exists in an array. Faster than using indexOf and won't blow up on null values.
103. is-extendable
Answers the question: "can this value have keys?". Returns true if a value is any of the object types: array, regexp, plain object, function or date. Useful for determining if a value is an object that can be extended.
104. defaults-deep
Like `extend` but recursively copies only the missing properties/values to the target object.
105. readme-generator
Generate a readme from a template and package.json data. If you need something more comprehensive, I recommend using Verb.
106. global-prefix
Get the npm global path prefix. Same code used internally by npm.
107. whence
Add context awareness to your apps and frameworks by safely evaluating user-defined conditional expressions. Useful for evaluating expressions in config files, prompts, key bindings, completions, templates, and many other user cases.
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108. object.omit
Return a copy of an object without the given keys.
109. parse-git-config
Parse `.git/config` into a JavaScript object. sync or async.
110. parse-author
Parse a person, author, contributor or maintainer string into an object with name, email and url properties following NPM conventions. Useful for the `authors` property in package.json or for parsing an AUTHORS file into an array of person objects.
111. lazy-cache
Cache requires to be lazy-loaded when needed. Uses node's own require system with tried and true, plain-vanilla JavaScript getters.
112. array-last
Return the last element in an array. Faster than `.slice`
113. write-yaml
Basic node.js utility for converting JSON to YAML and writing formatting YAML files to disk.
114. right-align
Right-align the text in a string.
115. is-dotfile
Return true if the file is (or the file path has) a dotfile.
116. omit-empty
Recursively omit empty properties from an object. Omits empty objects, arrays, strings, and optionally zero. Similar results to what you would expect with `compact` for arrays.
117. awesome-contributing
A curated list of awesome guides to open-source contributing
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118. section-matter
Like front-matter, but allows multiple sections in a single document.
119. grunt-readme
DEPRECATED. Use Verb instead
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121. regex-not
Create a javascript regular expression for matching everything except for the given string.
122. pascalcase
Convert a string to pascal case (upper camel case). Used by more than 8.7 million projects on GitHub! Please follow this library's author:
123. uniqueid
Generate a unique sequential ID. Optionally pass a prefix, suffix, or multiplier.
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124. object-visit
Call the given method on each value in the given object.
125. plasma
Easily load and normalize data to be passed to templates as context. Pass an object directly, or pass glob patterns or file paths to any JSON, YAML or CSV files to use.
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126. has-value
Returns true if a value exists, false if empty. Works with deeply nested values using object paths.
127. ansi-wrap
Create ansi colors by passing open and close codes.
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128. html-tag
Generate HTML tags from an object.
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129. sync-pkg
Minimalist CLI to sync only basic properties from package.json to bower.json
130. parse-github-url
Parse a Github URL into an object. Supports a wide variety of GitHub URL formats.
131. matched
Glob matching with support for multiple patterns and negation. Use `~` in cwd to find files in user home, or `@` for global npm modules.
132. sublime-swig
Swig template syntax highlighting for Sublime Text.
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133. markdown-symbols
Easily add and create custom symbols to use in markdown, and then compile them to HTML.
101-133 of 133 user projects