StressdiskStress test your disks / memory cards / USB sticks before trusting your valuable data to them
TarantoolGet your data in RAM. Get compute close to data. Enjoy the performance.
TorchdataPyTorch dataset extended with map, cache etc. ( like)
FatcatFAT filesystems explore, extract, repair, and forensic tool
Media ManagerA simple file browser and up-loader for Laravel written in Vue.JS
Usb Disk EjectorA program that allows you to quickly remove drives in Windows. It can eject USB disks, Firewire disks and memory cards. It is a quick, flexible, portable alternative to using Windows' "Safely Remove Hardware" dialog.
Ssd Gpu DmaBuild userspace NVMe drivers and storage applications with CUDA support
KdiskmarkA simple open-source disk benchmark tool for Linux distros
FilesystemFileSystem is an application that allows you to browse the content of your iPhone disk, displaying file and folders, files contents, and detailed informations about file and folder permissions.
SysstatPerformance monitoring tools for Linux
Hd IdleHard Disk Idle Spin-Down Utility
Iociphermake non-root mountable encrypted disk shares
CrossplatformdisktestWindows, macOS and Android storage (HDD, SSD, RAM) speed testing/performance benchmarking app
Btree4jDisk-based B+-tree written in Pure Java
Cra Build WatchA script for create-react-app that writes development builds to the disk
BplustreeAn efficient, conscise, and simple implementation of a purely on-disk B+ Tree data structure
YandexPHP SDK для работы с Яндекс Диском yandex disk
EzioBT-based Disk Deployment tool
Ruby VmstatA focused and fast library to gather memory, cpu, network, load avg and disk information
WriteWrite data to the file system, creating any intermediate directories if they don't already exist. Used by flat-cache and many others!
DiskqueueA thread-safe, multi-process(ish) persistent queue library for .Net and Mono
Node VhdMicrosoft's Virtual Hard Disk (VHD) Format
Node NtfsWindows NT File System (NTFS) file system driver
Ruby StatsFetch statistics about your machine using Ruby
Cleanmywechat自动删除 PC 端微信缓存数据,包括从所有聊天中自动下载的大量文件、视频、图片等数据内容,解放你的空间。
ZpanA self-hosted cloud disk base on the cloud storage./ 一个基于云存储的网盘系统,用于自建私人网盘或企业网盘。
Dua CliView disk space usage and delete unwanted data, fast.
ZenithZenith - sort of like top or htop but with zoom-able charts, CPU, GPU, network, and disk usage
HeimCross-platform async library for system information fetching 🦀
BinaryprefsRapidly fast and lightweight re-implementation of SharedPreferences which stores each preference in files separately, performs disk operations via NIO with memory mapped byte buffers and works IPC (between processes). Written from scratch.
KitdbKitDB是一个内嵌式持久型的 高速NoSQL存储 lib
DiscutilsUtility libraries to interact with discs, filesystem formats and more
WebdavmailrucloudWebDAV ...& Yandex.Disk | WebDAV Облако Mail.Ru Сетевой Диск
StatsmacOS system monitor in your menu bar
DatalevinA simple, fast and durable Datalog database
WinspdWindows Storage Proxy Driver - User mode disk storage
Format UdfBash script to format a block device (hard drive or Flash drive) in UDF. The output is a drive that can be used for reading/writing across multiple operating system families: Windows, macOS, and Linux. This script should be capable of running in macOS or in Linux.
RecuperabitA tool for forensic file system reconstruction.
TinuTINU, the open tool to create bootable macOS installers
StorageAn iOS library for fast, easy, and safe threaded disk I/O.
EnhanceDiskUtilitySIMBL plugin for Disk Utility that aims to enable Verify / Repair Permissions support
stashA Go package for disk-based blob cache
Diskernet💾 Diskernet - An internet on yer disk. Full text search archive from your browsing and bookmarks. Weclome! to the Diskernet: Your preferred backup solution. It's like you're still online! Disconnect with Diskernet, an internet for the post-online apocalypse. Or the airplane WiFi. Or the site goes down. Or ... You get the picture. Get Diskernet.…
diskusageFANTASTIC SPEED utility to find out top largest folders/files on the disk.
shredos.x86 64Shredos Disk Eraser 64 bit for all Intel 64 bit processors as well as processors from AMD and other vendors which make compatible 64 bit chips. ShredOS - Secure disk erasure/wipe