BowerA package manager for the web
Jquery Easyuijquery-easyui lib , update form, useful for git and bower . 给 git and bower 提供lib,与 easyui 官网保持同步
MiconMicon, The iconic windows 10 font and CSS toolkit.
Fabric BrushCrayon is a canvas brush based on an awesome framework Fabric.js
Sticky Sidebar😎 Pure JavaScript tool for making smart and high performance sticky sidebar.
Ignition GoBootstrap4 /Codeigniter 3 Modular (HMVC) App Building Framework - to build enterprise class web applications... Versions: CodeIgniter 3.1.9 AdminLTE 3.4 Bootstrap 4.5.0
ExpertizaExpertiza is a web application through which students can submit and peer-review learning objects (articles, code, web sites, etc). The Expertiza project is supported by the National Science Foundation.
Vscode Deploy ReloadedRecoded version of Visual Studio Code extension 'vs-deploy', which provides commands to deploy files to one or more destinations.
Eon ChartRealtime animated graphs with PubNub and C3.
MarxThe classless CSS reset (perfect for Communists).
KairosA non date-based time calculator
Highcharts ChartPolymer Element wrapper for highcharts library. Seamlessly create various types of charts from one element.
Ungridungrid - the simplest responsive css grid
Cookiecutter Pyramid Talk Python StarterAn opinionated Cookiecutter template for creating Pyramid web applications starting way further down the development chain. This cookiecutter template will create a new Pyramid web application with email, sqlalchemy, rollbar, and way more integrated.
BurgerBurger - The minimal hamburger menu with fullscreen navigation.
Ax5ui UploaderjQuery file uploader, HTML5(IE9+, FF, Chrome, Safari) -
Showdown HtmlescapePlugin for Showdown to prevent the use of arbitrary HTML and allow only the specific Markdown syntax.
InstantbootstrapInstant Bootstrap is a quick and easy way to start creating bootstrap themes using LESS, SASS, GRUNT, and BOWER.
SimplestatemanagerA responsive state manager which allows you to run different javascript at different browser widths
Bootstrap FileinputAn enhanced HTML 5 file input for Bootstrap 5.x/4.x./3.x with file preview, multiple selection, and more features.
Bower MaterialThis repository is used for publishing the AngularJS Material v1.x library
Npm GuiGraphic tool for managing javascript project dependencies - in a friendly way.
Bower AwayA tool for migrating away from Bower (to Yarn)
MeeInkMaterial Design click effect
docker-npmnpm, yarn, node, npx, bower, grunt, gulp, generate-md - build and dev tools.
ng-webcamngWebcam is an AngularJS directive for capturing images from your computer's camera, and delivering then to you as data uri.
CmisJSA CMIS javascript library for node and browser