All Git Users → kentcdodds

113 open source projects by kentcdodds

51. Kcd Scripts
CLI toolbox for common scripts for my projects
✭ 714
52. React Testing Library Course
Test React Components with Jest and React Testing Library on
53. Ng Stats
Little utility to show stats about your page's angular digest/watches.
✭ 664
54. Netlify Shortener
Your own free URL shortener with Netlify
✭ 653
Kent's Homepage
✭ 615
56. Cross Env
🔀 Cross platform setting of environment scripts
57. Stop Runaway React Effects
🏃 Catches situations when a react use(Layout)Effect runs repeatedly in rapid succession
58. Genie
Keyboard control for web applications (better than cryptic shortcuts). 3.5K minified & gzipped
✭ 528
60. React Toggled
Component to build simple, flexible, and accessible toggle components
✭ 449
61. Testing React Apps
A workshop for testing react applications
63. Beginners Guide To React
The Beginner's Guide To ReactJS
64. Es6 Todomvc
The vanillajs example converted to es6
65. Jest Cypress React Babel Webpack
Configure Jest for Testing JavaScript Applications and Install, Configure, and Script Cypress for JavaScript Web Applications on
66. Js Testing Fundamentals
Fundamentals of Testing in JavaScript on
67. Es6 Workshop
A very hands on 👐 workshop 💻 about ES6 and beyond.
68. Mdx Bundler
🦤 Give me MDX/TSX strings and I'll give you back a component you can render. Supports imports!
69. Testing Node Apps
Test Node.js Backends on
70. Babel Plugin Codegen
💥 Generate code at build-time
✭ 279
71. typing-for-kids
A little app I made for my kids for Christmas :)
72. kcd-discord-bot
The bot for the KCD discord community
73. cypress-testing-workshop
A workshop for learning how to write cypress tests
74. argv-set-env
Set environment variables in npm scripts
✭ 48
75. kcd-learning-clubs-ideas
📍 Ideas for curriculum and schedule templates for KCD Learning Clubs
✭ 77
76. repeat-todo-v2
Created with CodeSandbox
77. remix-tutorial-walkthrough
I live streamed working through the Remix Jokes App Tutorial
78. react-detector
Chrome extension that detects ReactJS apps as you browse
✭ 39
79. prettier-eslint-atom
DEPRECATED IN FAVOR OF prettier-atom + ESLint integration
80. react-test-context-provider
A function that allows you to specify context to pass to a child component (intended for testing only).
✭ 47
81. babel-runtime-example
An example of how to use @babel/plugin-transform-runtime
83. babel-codemod-example
An example of how to use babel as a codemod
84. autocomplete-widget
An experiment of using downshift 🏎 (a react component) to create a totally framework agnostic autocomplete widget using preact ⚛️ and preact-habitat 🐶. Seems to be pulling in at ~26kb (minified and uncompressed)
85. why-react-hooks
Talk about React hooks
86. concurrent-react
React Suspense Egghead course
87. shallow-to-mock
88. react-mocha-workshop
🐯 A workshop repository for testing React ⚛ with Mocha ☕ --> slides
89. ux-genie
Directive for GenieJS.
✭ 30
90. multi-page-testing-demo
An example of how to test multiple pages with react-router or reach router
91. webpack-tree-shaking-exports
No description, website, or topics provided.
✭ 34
92. react-test-isolation
No description, website, or topics provided.
93. codegen-vs-preval-vs-macros
A comparison of the babel plugins codegen, preval, and macros
94. cra-macro-example
This is an example of how you can use Create React App with Babel Plugin Macros.
95. podcastify-dir
Take a directory of audio files and syndicate them with an rss feed
✭ 39
96. ng-jwt-workshop
A repo to demonstrate JWT implemented with NodeJS and AngularJS. Must download locally to use fully...
97. kcd-common-tools
Common build tools for projects by Kent C. Dodds
98. testing-react-render-time-errors
No description, website, or topics provided.
99. eslint-plugin-kentcdodds
No description, website, or topics provided.
✭ 25
100. react-workshop-app
An abstraction for all my React workshops
51-100 of 113 user projects