All Git Users → stefanprodan

35 open source projects by stefanprodan

1. Mvcthrottle
ASP.NET MVC Throttling filter
2. Istio Gke
Istio service mesh walkthrough (GKE, CloudDNS, Flagger, OpenFaaS)
3. K8s Scw Baremetal
Kubernetes installer for Scaleway bare-metal AMD64 and ARMv7
5. Swarmprom
Docker Swarm instrumentation with Prometheus, Grafana, cAdvisor, Node Exporter and Alert Manager
6. Mongo Swarm
Bootstrapping MongoDB sharded clusters on Docker Swarm
7. Aspnetcore Dockerswarm
ASP.NET Core orchestration scenarios with Docker
✭ 120
8. Podinfo
Go microservice template for Kubernetes
9. Kube Tools
Kubernetes tools for GitHub Actions CI
10. Istio Hpa
Configure horizontal pod autoscaling with Istio metrics and Prometheus
11. Webapithrottle
ASP.NET Web API rate limiter for IIS and Owin hosting
✭ 1,180
12. Openfaas Flux
OpenFaaS Kubernetes cluster state management with FluxCD
13. Openfaas Gke
Running OpenFaaS on Google Kubernetes Engine
14. Mgob
MongoDB dockerized backup agent. Runs schedule backups with retention, S3 & SFTP upload, notifications, instrumentation with Prometheus and more.
15. K8s Prom Hpa
Kubernetes Horizontal Pod Autoscaler with Prometheus custom metrics
16. Gitops Istio
GitOps Progressive Delivery demo with Istio, Flux, Helm Operator and Flagger
17. Dockprom
Docker hosts and containers monitoring with Prometheus, Grafana, cAdvisor, NodeExporter and AlertManager
18. helm-gh-pages
A GitHub Action for publishing Helm charts to Github Pages
20. eks-hpa-profile
An eksctl gitops profile for autoscaling with Prometheus metrics on Amazon EKS on AWS Fargate
21. jenkins
Continuous integration with disposable containers
22. gitops-appmesh
Progressive Delivery on EKS with AppMesh, Flagger and Flux v2
23. gitops-linkerd
Progressive Delivery with Linkerd, Flagger and Flux v2
✭ 40
24. swarm-gcp-faas
Setup OpenFaaS on Google Cloud with Terraform, Docker Swarm and Weave
25. gitops-app-distribution
GitOps workflow for managing app delivery on multiple clusters
26. prometheus.aspnetcore
Prometheus instrumentation for .NET Core
27. dockelk
ELK log transport and aggregation at scale
28. caddy-builder
Build Caddy with plugins as an Ingress/Proxy for OpenFaaS
✭ 15
30. scaleway-swarm-terraform
Setup a Docker Swarm Cluster on Scaleway with Terraform
31. gitops-helm-workshop
Progressive Delivery for Kubernetes with Flux, Helm, Linkerd and Flagger
32. kjob
Kubernetes job runner
33. kustomizer
An experimental package manager for distributing Kubernetes configuration as OCI artifacts.
34. dockerdash
Docker dashboard built with ASP.NET Core, Docker.DotNet, SignalR and Vuejs
35. gh-actions-demo
GitOps pipeline with GitHub actions and Weave Cloud
1-35 of 35 user projects