Guzzle ServicesProvides an implementation of the Guzzle Command library that uses Guzzle service descriptions to describe web services, serialize requests, and parse responses into easy to use model structures.
YurunhttpYurunHttp 是开源的 PHP HTTP 客户端,支持链式操作,简单易用。完美支持Curl、Swoole 协程。QQ群:17916227
CrawlerAn easy to use, powerful crawler implemented in PHP. Can execute Javascript.
Guzzle Swoole让基于 Guzzle 的项目完美无缝兼容 Swoole 协程,支持:Guzzle、Elasticsearch client——来自宇润 PHP 全家桶
SnorlaxA lightweight REST client that gives you full control of your resources
Guzzle Advanced ThrottleA Guzzle middleware that can throttle requests according to (multiple) defined rules. It is also possible to define a caching strategy, e.g. get the response from cache when the rate limit is exceeded or always get a cached value to spare your rate limits. Using wildcards in host names is also supported.
BofThe HTTP client for humans
PhlackSlack Integrations for PHP
Ean ClientPHP client for consuming the EAN Hotel API, based on Guzzle
Guzzlette🌀 Guzzle integration into Nette Framework (@nette)
GuzzleGuzzle, an extensible PHP HTTP client
Ganesha🐘 A Circuit Breaker pattern implementation for PHP applications.
eventbriteA lightweight PHP library for interacting with version 3 of the Eventbrite API.
jacky🐄 HTTP JSON API Client for Laravel & Lumen
behat-3-kickstartBehat 3/Mink and Guzzle for API testing. Code follows PageObjects approach. Saucelabs integration.
twitter-stream-api🐤 Another Twitter stream PHP library to retrieve filtered tweets on hot.
oauth2-middlewarePSR7 middleware that uses league/oauth2-client to authenticate outgoing requests