LexikmaintenancebundleThis Symfony2 bundle allows you to place your website in maintenance mode by calling two commands in your console. A page with status code 503 appears to users, it is possible to authorize certain ips addresses stored in your configuration.
FosrestbundleThis Bundle provides various tools to rapidly develop RESTful API's with Symfony
Enqueue Bundle[READ-ONLY] Message queue bundle for Symfony. RabbitMQ, Amazon SQS, Redis, Service bus, Async events, RPC over MQ and a lot more
Fmelfinderbundle📁 ElFinderBundle provides ElFinder integration with TinyMCE, CKEditor, Summernote editors
VictoireFullstack Symfony CMS: The perfect mix between a framework and a CMS
Schedule BundleSchedule Cron jobs (commands/callbacks/bash scripts) within your Symfony application.
Liiphellobundle[DEPRECATED] Alternative Hello World Bundle for Symfony2 using several FriendsOfSymfony Bundles
Rich Model Forms BundleProvides additional data mappers that ease the use of the Symfony Form component with rich models.
AliceExpressive fixtures generator
Mercure BundleThe MercureBundle allows to easily push updates to web browsers and other HTTP clients in the Symfony full-stack framework, using the Mercure protocol.
MsgphpReusable domain layers. Shipped with industry standard infrastructure.
SonatapagebundleThis bundle provides a Site and Page management through container and block services
HwioauthbundleOAuth client integration for Symfony. Supports both OAuth1.0a and OAuth2.
AdminltebundleAdminLTE bundle for Symfony 4 - an backend/admin theme for easy integration with SF4. Its based on the AdminLTE Template and built with webpack-encore. Supports KNPMenuBundle and FOSUserBundle.
Twig BundleThe Twig Bundle provides configuration for using Twig in your applications.
2faTwo-factor authentication for Symfony applications 🔐 (bunde version ≥ 5)
Debug BundleThe DebugBundle allows greater integration of the VarDumper component in the Symfony full-stack framework.
CraueconfigbundleDatabase-stored settings made available via a service for your Symfony project.
CoreThe server component of API Platform: hypermedia and GraphQL APIs in minutes
Web Profiler BundleThe WebProfilerBundle provides detailed technical information about each request execution and displays it in both the web debug toolbar and the profiler.
FeedbundleA Symfony bundle to build RSS feeds from your entities
Routing BundleIntegrate the CMF Routing component as a Symfony2 bundle: Have the chain router and the dynamic router available in Symfony2
LiformbundleSymfony Bundle to render Symfony Forms to JSON Schema
VichuploaderbundleA simple Symfony bundle to ease file uploads with ORM entities and ODM documents.
NelmiocorsbundleThe NelmioCorsBundle allows you to send Cross-Origin Resource Sharing
headers with ACL-style per-URL configuration.
CrauegeobundleDoctrine functions for calculating geographical distances in your Symfony project.
Slack BundleSymfony bundle integration of the nexylan/slack library.
LiipimaginebundleSymfony Bundle to assist in imagine manipulation using the imagine library
LiipcachecontrolbundleDEPRECATED! This bundle is superseded by FOSHttpCacheBundle. A migration guide is in the README of LiipCacheControlBundle