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Top 21 lit-element open source projects

Open Wc
Open Web Components: guides, tools and libraries for developing web components.
Wired Elements
Collection of custom elements that appear hand drawn. Great for wireframes or a fun look.
‹b› Web components for creating applications – built by Blackstone Publishing using lit-html and lit-element
Web Components implementing the BYU web theme.
A simple starter <hello-world /> web component written in typescript, using lit-html and lit-element. Unit tested with jest and e2e tested with puppeteer and jest-puppeteer.
Going Buildless: Simple Reddit PWA made with LitElement, Pika, import-maps and kv-storage.
Lit is a simple library for building fast, lightweight web components.
Get up and running with an evergreen web application development stack designed by, and for, today's modern web.
A template for building Progressive Web Applications using Lit and Vaadin Router.
API documentation and live playground for Web Components. Based on Custom Elements Manifest format
1-21 of 21 lit-element projects