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Top 9 livedata-viewmodel open source projects

It simply loads Posts data from API and stores it in persistence storage (i.e. SQLite Database). Posts will be always loaded from local database. Remote data (from API) and Local data is always synchronized.
Jetpack Mvvm Best Practice
是 难得一见 的 Jetpack MVVM 最佳实践!在 以简驭繁 的代码中,对 视图控制器 乃至 标准化开发模式 形成正确、深入的理解!
Simple MVVM practice repository for very very beginners. You don't need to know about Dagger, Coroutine or Rx for understanding MVVM and this project. To check the MVVM Architecture Bengali Tutorial visit my blog site
A simple app to hit the NY Times Most Popular Articles API and show a list of articles, that shows details when items on the list are tapped (a typical master/detail app), also user able to browse/ add articles to favorite list that implements MVVM architecture using Dagger2, Retrofit, Coroutines, LiveData, RoomDatabase, Database Debugging, Data…
LetsChat is a Sample Messaging Android application built to demonstrate the use of Modern Android development tools - (Kotlin, Coroutines, Flow, Dagger-Hilt, Architecture Components, MVVM, Room, Testing, Coil, DataStore) and Firebase
[In progress...] Chat APP | MVVM + Clean Architecture | Kotlin, LiveData, Koin, Databinding, Navigation Fragments, Rx, Room, Crashlytics, Circle CI config, commons classes for UI.
Effective UI Communication with MVI architecture, a BaseActivity and the Repository Pattern.
1-9 of 9 livedata-viewmodel projects