nicar tworkshopSlides for #NICAR18 workshop on collecting and analyzing Twitter data
ggbashA simpler ggplot2 syntax, saving half of your typing.
GCModellerGCModeller: genomics CAD(Computer Assistant Design) Modeller system in .NET language
r-exasolThe EXASOL package for R provides an interface to the EXASOL database.
KaggleKaggle Kernels (Python, R, Jupyter Notebooks)
r-whatsapp-analysis-parte1Análisis de texto y visualización de datos con R, de conversaciones de WhatsApp, primer parte. Uso de librería rwhatsapp.
microarray-analysisMaterials on the analysis of microarray expression data; focus on re-analysis of public data (
papeRA toolbox for writing Sweave or other LaTeX-based papers and reports and to prettify the output of various estimated models.
R-Learning-JourneySome of the projects i made when starting to learn R for Data Science at the university