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Top 142 datascience open source projects

Salarios Magistrados
Baixa as planilhas de salários de magistrados, extrai os contracheques, limpa e exporta pra CSV
My Awesome Ai Bookmarks
Curated list of my reads, implementations and core concepts of Artificial Intelligence, Deep Learning, Machine Learning by best folk in the world.
Melusine is a high-level library for emails classification and feature extraction "dédiée aux courriels français".
A Clojure high performance data processing system
Climate Change Data
🌍 A curated list of APIs, open data and ML/AI projects on climate change
Data Science Resources
👨🏽‍🏫You can learn about what data science is and why it's important in today's modern world. Are you interested in data science?🔋
Wikipedia Mirror
🌐 Guide and tools to run a full offline mirror of with three different approaches: Nginx caching proxy, Kimix + ZIM dump, and MediaWiki/XOWA + XML dump
Anaconda Project
Tool for encapsulating, running, and reproducing data science projects
Oreilly Intro To Predictive Clv
Repo that contains the supporting material for O'Reilly Webinar "An Intro to Predictive Modeling for Customer Lifetime Value" on Feb 28, 2017
Python library for creating data pipelines with chain functional programming
The Renku Project provides a platform and tools for reproducible and collaborative data analysis.
Data science blogs
A repository to keep track of all the code that I end up writing for my blog posts.
A {K}otlin g{ra}mmar for data {vis}ualization
Blockchain2graph extracts blockchain data (bitcoin) and insert them into a graph database (neo4j).
a curated list of R tutorials for Data Science, NLP and Machine Learning
A robust, and flexible open source User & Entity Behavior Analytics (UEBA) framework used for Security Analytics. Developed with luv by Data Scientists & Security Analysts from the Cyber Security Industry. [PRE-ALPHA]
Awesome Shiny Apps For Statistics
🌟 A curated list of Awesome Shiny Apps for Statistics (ASAS)🌟
Code, Notebooks and Examples from Practical Business Python
An Introduction To Statistical Learning
This repository contains the exercises and its solution contained in the book "An Introduction to Statistical Learning" in python.
Covid19 Dashboard
🦠 Django + Plotly Coronavirus dashboard. Powerful data driven Python web-app, with an awesome UI. Contributions welcomed! Featured on 🕶Awesome-list
SkillCorner Open Data with 9 matches of broadcast tracking data.
Ds Cheatsheets
List of Data Science Cheatsheets to rule the world
Enhancing `ggplot2` plots with statistical analysis 📊🎨📣
knyfe is a python utility for rapid exploration of datasets.
Train multi-task image, text, or ensemble (image + text) models
⛲️ Commons Marketplace client & server to explore, download, and publish open data sets in the Ocean Protocol Network.
CleverCSV is a Python package for handling messy CSV files. It provides a drop-in replacement for the builtin CSV module with improved dialect detection, and comes with a handy command line application for working with CSV files.
DITRAS (DIary-based TRAjectory Simulator), a mathematical model to simulate human mobility
Repository of publicly available talks by Leon Eyrich Jessen, PhD. Talks cover Data Science and R in the context of research
Modin: Speed up your Pandas workflows by changing a single line of code
Industry Machine Learning
A curated list of applied machine learning and data science notebooks and libraries across different industries (by @firmai)
The missing MatPlotLib for Scala + Spark
Ai Series
📚 [.md & .ipynb] Series of Artificial Intelligence & Deep Learning, including Mathematics Fundamentals, Python Practices, NLP Application, etc. 💫 人工智能与深度学习实战,数理统计篇 | 机器学习篇 | 深度学习篇 | 自然语言处理篇 | 工具实践 Scikit & Tensoflow & PyTorch 篇 | 行业应用 & 课程笔记
Business Machine Learning
A curated list of practical business machine learning (BML) and business data science (BDS) applications for Accounting, Customer, Employee, Legal, Management and Operations (by @firmai)
Jupyter Notify
A Jupyter Notebook magic for browser notifications of cell completion
Or Pandas
Socios Brasil
Captura os dados de sócios das empresas brasileiras na Receita Federal e exporta para um formato legível por humanos
krangl is a {K}otlin DSL for data w{rangl}ing
Dataframe Js
A javascript library providing a new data structure for datascientists and developpers
For Data Science Beginners
Set of 📝 with 🔗 to help those who are Data Science beginners 🤖
Compilation of R and Python programming codes on the Data Professor YouTube channel.
1-60 of 142 datascience projects