Top 692 common lisp open source projects

251. cl-rashell
Resilient replicant Shell Programming Library for Common Lisp
253. PyCharlockHolmes
Character encoding detecting library for Python using ICU and libmagic.
254. Play
No description, website, or topics provided.
255. glkit
OpenGL utilities for math, shaders, etc.
256. bel
A mirror of Paul Graham's Bel source code and documentation, formatted
258. rs-colors
A color data type for Common Lisp.
259. cl-fsnotify
File system notifications
260. storable-functions
Provides a simple, portable way to serialize functions to Common Lisp.
261. should-test
A minimal yet feature-rich Common Lisp test framework
262. cl-nn
A neural network implementation in Common Lisp.
263. random-state
A collection of portable random generators for Common Lisp
265. Cleavir
an implementation-independent framework for creating Common Lisp compilers
266. Concrete-Syntax-Tree
Concrete Syntax Trees represent s-expressions with source information
267. PSL
Portable Standard Lisp
268. lexer
A lexing package for Common Lisp
269. trivial-package-local-nicknames
Common Lisp PLN compatibility library.
270. informatica-public
Public code developed during my MSc study at University of Bologna
272. cl-ui
Common Lisp bindings for minimalistic GUI library, libui,
273. juvix
Juvix empowers developers to write code in a high-level, functional language, compile it to gas-efficient output VM instructions, and formally verify the safety of their contracts prior to deployment and execution.
274. one-more-re-nightmare
A fast regular expression compiler in Common Lisp
275. land-of-lisp-chap-12-usocket
The socket examples for the Land of Lisp book, using usocket
276. nqthm
nqthm - the original Boyer-Moore theorem prover, from 1992
277. cl-lemma
English lemmatizer in Common Lisp
278. aws-sdk-lisp
AWS-SDK for Common Lisp
280. cl-raylib
Common Lisp binding of raylib
281. portmidi
PortMidi is a cross platform (Windows, macOS, Linux, and BSDs which support alsalib) library for interfacing with operating systems' MIDI I/O APIs.
282. hotspots
A knowledge-based method for determining small molecule binding "hotspots".
283. lsw2
OWL and Semantic Web toolkit for Common Lisp, used for construction and reasoning over ontologies and ontology-structured data
284. gnus-outlook-style
Outlook style quoting for Gnus and mu4e
285. owlisp
A Common Lisp compiler, designed to compile to C (and from there to native code or JavaScript)
286. cl-readline
Common Lisp bindings to the GNU Readline library
287. sblint
A linter for Common Lisp source code using SBCL
288. net-xml-generator
A Pretty Printing XML Generator for Common Lisp
289. cl-sodium
A wrapper around libsodium, providing easy, correct, safe crypto for common lisp.
290. amino
Lightweight robotics utility library
291. amb
An implementation of John McCarthy's ambiguous operator in portable Common Lisp.
292. green-threads
A lightweight thread / cooperative multitasking library for Common Lisp.
293. rucksack
a flexible, light weight, open source persistence library
294. els-web
European Lisp Symposium Website Tools
295. ox-latex-subfigure
Turn table into subfigure. More or less a hack atm, easy to incorporate to org-mode though
296. Trucler
Environment protocol for Common Lisp compilers.
297. deeds
Deeds is an Extensible Event Delivery System
298. moxie-cores
Moxie-compatible core repository
299. quackle
Quackle crossword game artificial intelligence and analysis tool
300. gomoku
A self-contained morphological analyzer (including dictionary data).
251-300 of 692 common lisp projects