Top 5743 dart open source projects

501. Mediminder
A mobile medicine reminder built with Flutter, Provider and BLoC pattern.
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502. Flutter luckin coffee
flutter luckin coffee application(仿瑞幸咖啡)
503. Easymarketflutter
504. Binder
A lightweight, yet powerful way to bind your application state with your business logic.
505. Hitup Messenger
Fully Functioning Messenger (Like Whatsapp) in Flutter
506. Flutter bubble tab indicator
A Flutter library to add bubble tab indicator to TabBar
507. Flutterfacebook
Cloning the Facebook UI Components with Flutter
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508. Sqlcool
Easy and reactive Sqlite for Flutter
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509. Flutter weixin demo
A copy of WeChat Flutter application. 用Flutter高仿微信UI,仅供学习
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510. Heartbeatappbar
Cool looking animation in AppBar done with flutter!
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511. Esc pos printer
ESC/POS (thermal, receipt) printing for Flutter & Dart
512. Travel treasury
1ManStartup - Travel Budget Flutter App
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514. Flews
A multi-service news app written in Flutter
515. Flutter Test
Various test scenarios
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516. Pigment
A simple but useful package to play with colors in flutter
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517. Flutter client php backend
Sample app demonstrating usage of Flutter Framework to Create Android & IOS App Using Rest API Created In PHP
518. 15puzzle
The Game of Fifteen written with Flutter
519. Provider architecture template
A production ready flutter application template for the provider architecture.
520. Onehour App
A time tracking app build using Flutter
521. Mediapp
Flutter UI Medical App
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522. Explore
A Flutter Web responsive website sample.
523. Logging
A Dart package for debug and error logging.
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524. Flutter appauth
A Flutter wrapper for AppAuth iOS and Android SDKs
525. Loading Animations
A Flutter package with a selection of simple yet very customizable set of loading animations.
526. Messages
Chat App UI Speed Coded On Youtube
527. Flutter simple shop
API接口数据来源于大淘客和好单库官网.后端是java编写的,框架采用springboot 2.3.5最新版~典典的小卖部,淘宝客商城系统,flutter编写,flutter入门学习项目,
528. Dart Epub
Epub Reader and Writer for Dart
529. Toughest
Interview questions and answers for preparation, built in pure flutter also have CI implementation for learning.
530. Shareextend
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531. Upgrader
Flutter package for prompting users to upgrade when there is a newer version of the app in the store.
532. Tourismandco
A simple project showing off a list of tours with a detail screen for each tour. Used by
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533. Fluttertencentimplugin
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534. Widget chain
Chain programming, not widget nesting constructors. Get rid of the nested hell with shiny extensions, now!
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536. Json2builtvalue
Json to Dart built_value classes generator
537. Flutter video compress
Generate a new file by compressed video, and provide metadata. Get video thumbnail from a video path, supports JPEG/GIF. To reduce app size not using FFmpeg in IOS.
538. Fooddelivery App Ui
This repository hosts the code for a food delivery app UI, built in flutter, with "Add to cart" and "Drag to delete" functionality.
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539. Neumorphic.flutter
Implementation of Neumorphism user interface consisting of sets of principles and widgets for the Flutter framework
540. Groupchatapp
Developed a Group chat application using Flutter and Firebase, where users can register and create groups or join already existing groups and start conversing with each other.
541. Inshorts Clone The News App
inshorts News App Clone with flutter and API
542. Teledart
A Dart library interfacing with the latest Telegram Bot API.
543. Kf drawer
Flutter drawer (dynamic ready side menu)
544. Flutter demo
flutter学习 高仿Bilibili
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545. Ydc flutter app
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546. Plantly
An app concept inspired by and made in Flutter.
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547. Nc flutter util
Flutter repo for testing ui
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548. Flutter demo
A beautiful app designed with Material Design by using Flutter.
549. Ratemyapp
This plugin allows to kindly ask users to rate your app if custom conditions are met (eg. install time, number of launches, etc...).
550. Flutter Custom Refresh Indicator
This package adds CustomRefreshIndicator widget that allows you to create whatever indicator you want.
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