Top 5743 dart open source projects

551. Dear diary
Easy to use mobile Diary application built with flutter
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552. Flutter hand tracking plugin
这是一个 Flutter Packge 以实现摄像头精确追踪并识别十指的运动路径/轨迹和手势动作, 且输出22个手部关键点以支持更多手势自定义. 基于这个包可以编写业务逻辑将手势信息实时转化为指令信息: 一二三四五, rock, spiderman...还可以对不同手势编写不同特效. 可用于短视频直播特效, 智能硬件等领域, 为人机互动带来更自然丰富的体验
553. Flutter Timeline
⌚️ A general flutter timeline widget based on real-world application references
554. English words
Utilities for working with English words
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555. Flutter linkify
Turns text URLs and emails into clickable inline links in text for Flutter
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556. Flutter pattern formatter
A Flutter package provides some implementations of TextInputFormatter that format input with pre-defined patterns
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557. Sailor
Easy page navigation and management in Flutter apps.
558. Tflite flutter plugin
TensorFlow Lite Flutter Plugin
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559. 100 Days Of Code
This is a project with a collection of coding challenges for those who wants to commit themselves to code at least one hour a day for at least a hundred days.
561. Dart Lint
An opinionated, community-driven set of lint rules for Dart and Flutter projects. Like pedantic but stricter
562. Timetable
📅 Customizable flutter calendar widget including day and week views
563. Byr mobile app
open-source mobile app of
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565. Alipay kit
566. Reflectly Login Screen
Inspired by Reflectly Login Screen Page in Flutter App
567. Done it
DoneIt is a sample note app 📝 Flutter application 📱 built to demonstrate use of Clean Architecture tools. Dedicated to all Flutter Developers with ❤️.
568. Dart Xml
Lightweight library for parsing, traversing, and transforming XML in Dart.
569. Flutter slidable
A Flutter implementation of slidable list item with directional slide actions.
570. Coding With Flutter Login Demo
Source code for login demo in Coding with Flutter series
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571. Marquee
A Flutter widget that scrolls text infinitely. Provides many customizations including custom scroll directions and velocities, pausing after every round and specifying custom durations and curves for accelerating and decelerating.
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572. Lumberdash
Do you need logs? Lumberdash is the answer!
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573. Effectively scale ui according to different screen sizes
A quick implementation of a SizeConfig class that allows you to display the UI in a grid, helping it to scale good among different devices, with different screen sizes.
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574. Google map location picker
🌍 Map location picker component for flutter Based on google_maps_flutter
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576. Flutter Coolapk
flutter coolapk, 酷安 Flutter版(第三方)酷安, 酷安Windows版, 酷安Linux版
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577. Flutter Starter Kit
A Flutter Starter Kit (Boilerplate) to kick-start your next Android and iOS app
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579. Recipe App Flutter Ui
A nice clean recipe app UI using flutter.
580. Pixez Flutter
一个支持免代理直连及查看动图的第三方Pixiv flutter客户端
581. Weather
A weather app built to learn how to use Canvas and Animation in Flutter.
582. Flutter infinite listview
Flutter Infinite ListView - ListView with items that can be scrolled infinitely in both directions. Maintainer: @slightfoot
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583. Beautiful List Ui And Detail Page
Flutter Thursday 04: Beautiful List UI and Detail page Flutter Thursday 04: Beautiful List UI and Detail page
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584. Flutter keyboard visibility
Get notified on keyboard visibility changes in your Flutter app
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585. Dashbook
Development tools to help you building UI on Flutter
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586. Get cli
Official Getx CLI
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587. Async
A Dart package that contains tools to work with asynchronous computations.
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588. Neteasecloudmusic
Flutter - NeteaseCloudMusic Flutter 版本的网易云音乐
589. Flutter alipay
A flutter plugin to use alipay.
590. Dart Tour
591. Modal progress hud
A simple modal progress HUD (heads-up display, or progress indicator) for flutter
593. Flutter listview loadmore
flutter loadmore demos
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594. Flutter Passcode
Flutter - Passcode Lock Screen
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595. Svgaplayer Flutter
The SVGAPlayer implementation of Flutter using CustomPainter.
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596. Flutter Route Transition
Repo for blog: Everything you need to know about Flutter page route transition
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597. Flutter line sdk
A Flutter plugin that lets developers access LINE's native SDKs in Flutter apps with Dart.
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599. Tallyassist
Open source Flutter-based template for a business assistant application
600. Covid19stats
A simple mobile app developed with Flutter to visualize Covid19 statistics 🦠