Top 2029 emacs lisp open source projects

101. emacsbridge
An application to bridge between the Android and Emacs world
102. eslintd-fix
Emacs minor-mode to automatically fix javascript with eslint_d.
105. gyp
GYP is a Meta-Build system: a build system that generates other build systems.
106. knowledge-driven-dialogue-lic2019
2019 语言与智能技术竞赛-知识驱动对话 B榜第5名源码和模型
107. fanyi.el
Not only English-Chinese translator for Emacs.
108. emms-player-mpv
mpv support for EMMS
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emacs lisp
109. dotfiles
Nix configuration for all my workstations and servers
110. pentaho-kafka-consumer
Apache Kafka consumer step plug-in for Pentaho Kettle
111. jammer
Punish yourself for using Emacs inefficiently
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emacs lisp
112. company-auctex
company-mode autocompletion for auctex
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emacs lisp
114. enaml
Default Repo description from terraform module
115. org-sort-tasks
Functions to keep TODO tasks in orgmode sorted and organized.
116. .wsl-emacs.d
😈My personal Emacs configuration on Arch & Ubuntu
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emacs lisp
118. usermanager-reitit-example
A little demo web app in Clojure, using Integrant, Ring, Reitit, Selmer (and a database)
119. blackout
💡 The easy way to clean up your Emacs mode lighters.
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emacs lisp
121. spot4e
Emacs client for Spotify search and playback using helm
122. ampl-mode
Syntax highlighting mode for the AMPL modeling language
123. ob-glsl
glsl code blocks for org-mode
124. monochrome-theme.el
Monochrome theme for Emacs 24
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emacs lisp
125. audio-notes-mode
Emacs mode to play audio notes synced from somewhere else.
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emacs lisp
127. gumshoe
No description, website, or topics provided.
129. LSP-Symbol-Outline
A tree like view for symbols in Emacs using the Language Server Protocol.
130. jetbrains-darcula-emacs-theme
A complete port of the default JetBrains Darcula theme for Emacs
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emacs lisp
131. pivotal-tracker
Emacs client for Pivotal Tracker
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emacs lisp
132. auto-complete-nxml
Provide a interface for auto-complete.el on nXML-mode
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emacs lisp
133. csv
Simple comparative benchmarks for CSV parsing libraries
134. naysayer-theme.el
Emacs theme inspired by Jonathan Blow's compiler livestreams
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emacs lisp
135. poly-markdown
Polymode for markdown-mode
137. mlox
mlox is a tool for sorting and analyzing Morrowind plugin load order
138. banglanmt
This repository contains the code and data of the paper titled "Not Low-Resource Anymore: Aligner Ensembling, Batch Filtering, and New Datasets for Bengali-English Machine Translation" published in Proceedings of the 2020 Conference on Empirical Methods in Natural Language Processing (EMNLP 2020), November 16 - November 20, 2020.
139. go-playground
GNU/Emacs mode that setup local Go playground for code snippets like or even better :)
140. org-thtml
A templated architectured for static HTML sites using Emacs and org-mode
141. zzz-to-char
Fancy replacement for zap-to-char in Emacs
142. fringe-helper.el
Emacs: helper functions for fringe bitmaps
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143. doctest
Doctests for Emacs Lisp
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emacs lisp
145. build-status
Emacs minor mode that monitors and shows a buffer's build status in the mode line.
147. sa-nmt
structured attention encoder
148. elquery
Read and manipulate HTML in emacs
149. cl-patterns
Library for writing patterns to generate or process (a)musical sequences of mathematically (un)related (non-)compound values in Lisp.
101-150 of 2029 emacs lisp projects