Top 2714 groovy open source projects

101. Gradle Repo
统一管理Git多仓库及模块依赖 / Manage multiple Git repositories and dependencies between modules.
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102. Twitter Bootstrap Scaffolding
Twitter Bootstrap powered Grails scaffolding templates
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104. Asciidoctor Maven Examples
A collection of example projects that demonstrates how to use the Asciidoctor Maven plugin.
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105. Hubitat
Apps for use with Hubitat Elevation
106. Wuff
Gradle plugin for automating assembly of OSGi/Eclipse bundles and applications
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107. Gradle Buildconfig Plugin
A BuildConfig plugin for Gradle java projects
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108. Gradle Plugin Git Dependencies
A Gradle Plugin to manage git repository dependencies
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110. Wire Gradle Plugin
A Gradle plugin for generating Java code for your protocol buffer definitions with Wire.
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111. Gradle License Report
A plugin for generating reports about the licenses of third party software using Gradle
112. Parrot
Automatically translate all your string resources to multiple languages
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113. Rxgroovy
RxJava bindings for Groovy
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114. Portofino
Portofino 5 is the next generation of the open source radid web development framework Portofino. Its purpose is to help developers create modern, responsive enterprise applications with REST APIs and an Angular UI.
116. Android Cache Fix Gradle Plugin
Gradle plugin to fix Android caching problems
117. Grain
Grain is a lightweight and powerful static website generator with custom themes to help create static, SEO-friendly websites or a blog in no time.
118. N Cube
Rules Engine, Decision Tables, Templating
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119. Nexus Repository Composer
Composer support for the Nexus Repository Manager (work in progress!)
121. Mi connector
Connector for Xiaomi Devices with Smartthings, Hubitat
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122. Android Build Filter Gradle Plugin
一个小众需求下移除 Android 构建中 Jar 包、AAR 包、构建冗余 class 文件的 Gradle 插件。
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124. Jenkinsfiles
Examples collected for Jenkins files from www
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125. Genymotion Gradle Plugin
A plugin that allows you to control, simply, all your Genymotion devices from your Gradle scripts
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126. Tayra
Incremental backup tool for MongoDB
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127. Aem Groovy Console
The AEM Groovy Console provides an interface for running Groovy scripts in the AEM container. Scripts can be created to manipulate content in the JCR, call OSGi services, or execute arbitrary code using the CQ, Sling, or JCR APIs.
130. Demo Jenkins Config As Code
Demo of Jenkins Configuration-As-Code with Docker and Groovy Hook Scripts
131. Zerotocloud
Scripts and instructions for Zero To Cloud With NetflixOSS
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132. Aarlinksources
Attach sources for .aar dependencies in AndroidStudio.
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133. Device Type.myecobee
SmartThings-ecobee integration
134. Cityengine Sdk
CityEngine is a 3D city modeling software for urban design, visual effects, and VR/AR production. With its C++ SDK you can create plugins and standalone apps capable to execute CityEngine CGA procedural modeling rules.
135. Android Appversion Gradle Plugin
Add extra information to output file name. Add build number to the application version.
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136. Jenkinsascodereference
This repository is intended for the reference Jenkins configuration as code as well as JobDSL library
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137. Groovycsv
A simple CSV parsing library for groovy
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138. Gradle Plugins
A collection of Gradle plugins
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139. Gradle Idea Ext Plugin
Plugin to store IJ settings in gradle script
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140. J2objc Gradle
This plugin is no longer actively maintained. J2ObjC Gradle Plugin: enables Java source to be part of an iOS application's build so you can write an app's non-UI code (such as application logic and data models) in Java, which is then shared by Android apps (natively Java) and iOS apps (using J2ObjC), all as part of your usual Android Gradle build.
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141. Jenkins Pipeline Library Jenkins Pipeline Library for CI/CD
142. Jenkins Spock
Unit-test Jenkins pipeline code with Spock
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143. Gradle Plugins
Gradle plugins for use in building and publishing open-source Spring projects, e.g. Spring Framework, Spring Integration
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144. Gradle Extra Configurations Plugin
Gradle plugin introducing a provided dependency configuration and marking a dependency as optional.
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145. Frame Gradle Plugin
A gradle plugin to automate framing android screenshots with devices frames in multiple languages and with multiple screen sizes.
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146. Jenkins Dsl
Jenkins DSLs for my Jenkins instance, keeps forks up to date, mirrors repositories to private git, builds all Dockerfiles and more.
147. Icon Version
Android gradle plugin that adds version and flavor name to all app icons.
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148. Gradle Nexus Staging Plugin
Automatize releasing Gradle projects to Maven Central.
149. Xxl Glue
a distributed logical management platform. (分布式逻辑管理平台XXL-GLUE)
150. Findbugs Android
Gradle plugin that creates FindBugs reports for android projects
101-150 of 2714 groovy projects