WebhookdA very simple webhook server launching shell scripts.
Rok8s ScriptsOpinionated scripts for managing application deployment lifecycle in Kubernetes
RocketAutomated software delivery as fast and easy as possible 🚀
Wflow🐆 EXPERIMENTAL -- Runs GitHub Actions workflows locally (local) -- Don't run your YAML like a 🐪
Xrm Ci FrameworkxRM CI Framework provides you with the tools automate the build and deployment of your CRM Solution. Using the framework to implement a fully automated DevOps pipeline will allow you to deploy more frequently with added consistency and quality.
Argo CiContinuous integration and delivery for Kubernetes powered by Argo workflows.
ContinuouspipeThe open-source continuous deployment pipeline for containerized applications
FledgeFledge: A CI/CD tool for Flutter
AyespyA performant visual regression testing tool
TerrahubTerraform Automation and Orchestration Tool (Open Source)
Beetle🔥 Kubernetes multi-cluster deployment automation service.
Bodywork CoreDeploy machine learning projects developed in Python, to Kubernetes. Accelerated MLOps 🚀
CdeasyContinuous Delivery made Easy ;)
Ecs DeploySimple shell script for initiating blue-green deployments on Amazon EC2 Container Service (ECS)
ProutLooks after your pull requests, tells you when they're live
BuildNetlify Build runs the build command, Build Plugins and bundles Netlify Functions.
Inertia✈️ Effortless, self-hosted continuous deployment for small teams and projects
DevtronSoftware Delivery Workflow For Kubernetes
SshdeployA command-line tool that enables quick build and run deployments over SSH.
BbrunRun Bitbucket Pipelines locally
Cluster.devKubernetes-based Dev Environments with GitOps
ConcordConcord - workflow orchestration and continuous deployment management
PipelinesBuild pipelines for automation, deployment, testing...
OrkestraFunctional DevOps with Scala and Kubernetes
SlimjimSlimJim is a simple auto update script utilizing Slim (a PHP micro-framework), incron (inotify cron system), and GitHub/BitBucket post-receive-hook
Github Slug ActionGitHub Action to expose slug value of GitHub environment variables inside your GitHub workflow
Ecs Nginx ProxyReverse proxy for AWS ECS. Lets you address your docker containers by sub domain.
HapistranoDeploy tool for Haskell applications, like Capistrano for Rails
NomadfilesA collection of Nomad job files for deploying applications to a cluster
Docker For AllDocker applied in development, devops, testing, product management etc.
LeeroyciLeeroy is a self hosted, continuous integration and build service
Dyn365 Ce DevopsDevOps for Dynamics 365 Customer Engagement (CE) is becoming a popular topic. The goal of this project is to help Dynamics 365 CE solution builders understand and accelerate their implementation of DevOps practices with Dynamics CE and VSTS.
SimpleciSimple docker-based continuous integration system
OriginConformance test suite for OpenShift
Piplin📤 An open source self-hosted continuous integration and deployment system - QQ群: 656868
SpinnakerSpinnaker is an open source, multi-cloud continuous delivery platform for releasing software changes with high velocity and confidence.
CimonitorDisplays CI statuses on a dashboard and triggers fun modules representing the status!
AgenteDistributed simple and robust release management and monitoring system.
Git Push DeploySimple Automated CI/CD Pipeline for GitHub and GitLab Projects
Haiku🚀 Instant Heroku deploys from GitHub branches
AgolaAgola: CI/CD Redefined