Top 113 lisp open source projects

101. Eslisp
un-opinionated S-expression syntax and macro system for JavaScript
102. Scheme Lib
鸭库 duck lib scheme for gui gles gl slib openal socket web mongodb box2d game glfw mysql libevent libuv uv json http client server android osx linux chezscheme scheme-lib
103. Parinfer Mode
Parinfer for Emacs :)
✭ 406
105. Awesome Lisp Languages
A list of Lisp-flavored programming languages
107. Emacs Refactor
language-specific refactoring in Emacs
108. Ark
ArkScript is a small, fast, functional and scripting language for C++ projects
109. Urn
Yet another Lisp variant which compiles to Lua
110. L2l
Lisp is Lisp. Lua is Lua. Lisp and Lua as One.
✭ 293
111. On Lisp
A modernized and annotated code companion to Paul Graham's "On Lisp".
✭ 286
113. Kongfuofarchitect
(🆕更新中!)《架构师的功夫》教程合集、文章合集包含 范式编程、微服务、必备算法、安全攻防、汇编、爬虫、逆向、渗透测试...
101-113 of 113 lisp projects