Top 113 lisp open source projects

1. Shen Sources
The Official Shen Sources
3. Lua Languages
Languages that compile to Lua
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4. Esp Lisp
Beta: A small fast lisp interpeter for a ESP8266 as alternative to lua on the nodemcu.
5. Swift Lispkit
Interpreter framework for Lisp-based extension and scripting languages on macOS and iOS. LispKit is based on the R7RS standard for Scheme. Its compiler generates bytecode for a virtual machine. LispKit is fully implemented in Swift 5.
6. Awklisp
A Lisp interpreter written in Awk.
7. Awesome Lisp Companies
Awesome Lisp Companies
8. Ichbins
A tiny self-hosting Lisp-to-C compiler
9. Aniseed
Neovim configuration and plugins in Fennel (Lisp compiled to Lua)
10. Interim
Low-level Lisp with compile-time memory management
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11. Coalton
Coalton is (supposed to be) a dialect of ML embedded in Common Lisp.
12. Sqlingvo
A Clojure & ClojureScript DSL for SQL
14. Ulisp
A version of the Lisp programming language for ATmega-based Arduino boards.
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15. Phel Lang
Phel is a functional programming language that compiles to PHP. It is a dialect of Lisp inspired by Clojure and Janet.
16. Elispcheatsheet
Quick reference to the core language of Emacs ---Editor MACroS.
17. Varjo
Lisp to GLSL Language Translator
19. Shaden
🎧 A modular audio synthesizer.
20. Lisp Chat
An experimental minimal chat written in Common Lisp
21. Shentong
A Haskell implementation of the Shen programming language.
22. Vim Parinfer
vim plugin to balance your parenthesis
23. Rum
Functional language, easily extensible and possible (Lua features with LISP dialect and functional) to be embarked on software Go!
24. Cakelisp
Metaprogrammable, hot-reloadable, no-GC language for high perf programs (especially games), with seamless C/C++ interop
25. Lizzie
A script language for .Net and the CLR
26. Finkel
Haskell in S-expression
27. Wisp
A light lisp written in C++
28. Emacs Cl
Common Lisp implemented in Emacs Lisp.
29. Common Lisp By Example
Repo for Common Lisp by Example
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30. Ramdascript
🐏 Lisp that compiles to JavaScript in the Ramda way
32. Wart
An experimental, small, readable Lisp with thorough unit tests and extensible functions/macros.
33. Om Sharp
OM#: Visual Programming | Computer-Assisted Music Compositon
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34. Llr
Lisp-like-R: A clojure inspired lisp that compiles to R in R
35. Lips
Scheme based powerful lisp interpreter written in JavaScript
36. Lice
A multi-paradigm programming language running on JVM
37. Cisp
A Common Lisp Interpreter Built in COBOL
38. Ecl Android
Patches for ECL to run on android iOS and Native client (Obsolete: You should use instead)
39. Yoctolisp
Tiny Scheme-like Lisp interpreter written in a weekend
Common Lisp homepage
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41. L2
A minimalist type-inferred programming language with procedural macro support
43. Micromanual
A neatly typeset version of John McCarthy's classic paper
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44. Swiftylisp
A minimal LISP implemented in Swift
45. Lispe
An implementation of a full fledged Lisp interpreter with Data Structure, Pattern Programming and High level Functions with Lazy Evaluation à la Haskell.
47. Awesome Scheme
A curated list of awesome Scheme libraries and resources
48. Mal Zh
The Make-A-Lisp Process 中文翻译,如何写一个Lisp解释器
49. Sicp
🚀 SICP on Clojure
50. Scheje
A little scheme implementation on top of Clojure
1-50 of 113 lisp projects