Top 23 objc open source projects

1. Twilio Video App Ios
A collaboration application built with the Twilio Video iOS SDK
2. Deoplete Clang
deoplete.nvim source for C/C++/Obj-C/Obj-C++ with clang-python3
3. Swiftyfitsize
📱 Swifty screen adaptation solution (Support Objective-C and Swift)
4. Itrace
🍰 Trace objc method call for ios and mac
5. Rules apple line
LINE's Apple rules for Bazel
6. Idaobjctypes
A collection of types & functions definitions useful for Objective-C binaries analysis.
7. Rrviewcontrollerextension
UINavigationBar appearance management, memory leak detection, convenient UIViewController property and methods
8. Microsoft Authentication Library For Objc
Microsoft Authentication Library (MSAL) for iOS and macOS
9. Tinypart
TinyPart is an iOS modularization framework implemented by Ojective-C. It also supports URL-routing and inter-module communication. TinyPart是一个由Objective-C编写的面向协议的iOS模块化框架,同时它还支持URL路由和模块间通信机制。
10. Mtransparentnav
Change NavigationBar's color and transparency 导航栏颜色渐变,通过给viewController添加属性,可方便控制title、item、导航栏颜色变化
11. Awesome Gradient
😎 A curated list of awesome Gradient frameworks, libraries and software and resources
12. Emcvlib
An OpenCV framework for iOS and macOS
13. R.objc
Get autocompleted resources like images, localized strings and storyboards in ObjC projects
15. Leetcode Solutions
LeetCode Solutions in Objective - C or Swift. At least one question every day
16. Tap water
【声明:未发布前,勿使用,勿star,预计2020年11月底发布】Flutter tab_bar组件,支持中间带加号按钮的TabBar,支持Lottie动画。iTeaTime(技术清谈)团队出品。Highly customizable tabBar and tabBarController for Flutter
17. Podlive Macos
Never miss a live streaming podcast!
18. Stinger
Stinger is a high-efficiency library with great compatibility, for aop in Objective-C, using libffi instead of Objective-C message forwarding. It is 20+ times faster than the Aspects, from message-sending to Aspect-oriented code ends.
✭ 845
19. Xcnotary
the missing macOS app notarization helper, built with Rust
20. Dsdump
An improved nm + Objective-C & Swift class-dump
21. Objc4 debug
✭ 440
22. Objc4
A latest buildable and debuggable Objective-C runtime (objc4-818.2) project.
✭ 331
23. Ios Swift Objc Questions And Answers
iOS (swift, objc)개발을 하면서 알게된 질문과 답변 모음.😀
1-23 of 23 objc projects