GologA high-performant Logging Foundation for Go Applications. X3 faster than the rest leveled loggers.
Digital RestaurantDDD. Event sourcing. CQRS. REST. Modular. Microservices. Kotlin. Spring. Axon platform. Apache Kafka. RabbitMQ
Xflegoviper🚀 A seamless framework for build app from MVC, MVVM, VIPER (etc.) design pattern in iOS world. (OC & Swift)
Litegraph.jsA graph node engine and editor written in Javascript similar to PD or UDK Blueprints, comes with its own editor in HTML5 Canvas2D. The engine can run client side or server side using Node. It allows to export graphs as JSONs to be included in applications independently.
Pencil.js✏️ Nice modular interactive 2D drawing library
Ios NbuimagepickerModular image picker with Simulator-compatible AVFondation camera, assets library, filters and more.
ElliSimple, robust and performant Erlang web server
ProjectaliceMain repository of Project Alice, contains main unit source code
L5modularGenerates and handles Modules for Laravel
One App✨ a fresh, modular take on web application development
MollenosMollenOS/Vali is a modern operating system that is built with focus on abstraction and a modular design, allowing anyone to port it to any architecture. It currently targets the x86-32 and x86-64 platform.
Shaden🎧 A modular audio synthesizer.
OxideOld repository for the Oxide mod. See individual repositories for updates
SpaceaceA fancy immutable storage library for JavaScript
Ignition GoBootstrap4 /Codeigniter 3 Modular (HMVC) App Building Framework - to build enterprise class web applications... Versions: CodeIgniter 3.1.9 AdminLTE 3.4 Bootstrap 4.5.0
NetcorecmsNetCoreCMS is a modular theme supported Content Management System developed using ASP.Net Core 2.0 MVC. Which is also usable as web application framework. This project is still under development. Please do not use before it's first release.
Mag.jsMagJS - Modular Application Glue
Ai BlocksA powerful and intuitive WYSIWYG interface that allows anyone to create Machine Learning models!
Breko HubBabel React Koa Hot Universal Boilerplate
Androidmodulararchiteture✔️ Android组件化架构,支持组件代码完全隔离/组件循环依赖/便捷集成调试/快速接入,组件内基于 mvvm结构,组件提供高度服用的模块可直接使用,采用 wanAndroid api进行迭代开发。Android componentized architecture, support component code complete isolation / component circular dependency / convenient integrated debugging / fast access, component based mvvm structure, iterative development using wanAndroid api
MiraiThe core for Mirai Bot v4 [Deprecated]
PuppertinoA CSS framework based on Human Guidelines from apple
HttpAn opinionated framework for scalable web 🌎
ConcordLaravel extension for building modular applications where modules are decoupled, re-usable and easily customizable
NavigatorAndroid Multi-module navigator, trying to find a way to navigate into a modularized android project
ConciergeModular chat bot. (Karma + Sassy + Hubot) * (Discord + Facebook + Messenger + Slack + Skype + Telegram + Hipchat + ...) = Concierge
TinypartTinyPart is an iOS modularization framework implemented by Ojective-C. It also supports URL-routing and inter-module communication. TinyPart是一个由Objective-C编写的面向协议的iOS模块化框架,同时它还支持URL路由和模块间通信机制。
Blazor.diagramsA fully customizable and extensible all-purpose diagrams library for Blazor
LibmoduleC simple and elegant implementation of an actor library
Uppy Server[DEPRECATED] 'Uppy Server' was renamed to 'Companion' and lives inside the Uppy repo no
Angular CmsAn flexiable, extendable, modular, single CMS app based on Angular, Express, MongoDB
JoobyThe modular web framework for Java and Kotlin
FlowabotModular Discord bot with fun features including twitch commands and advanced osu! commands. 🌷
Sylphy👑 the better discord bot framework
Go Script BashFramework for writing modular, discoverable, testable Bash scripts
SkeletonA ready-to-use CodeIgniter skeleton with tons of new features and a whole new concept of hooks (actions and filters) as well as a ready-to-use and application-free themes and plugins system. Facebook Page: http://bit.ly/2oHzpxC | Facebook Group: http://bit.ly/2o3KOrA. Help me carry on making more free stuff → http://bit.ly/2ppNujE ←
KomadaKomada: Croatian for `pieces`, is a modular bot system including reloading modules and easy to use custom commands.
Domq🛠️ A modular DOM manipulation library.
BindaHeadless CMS based on Ruby on Rails
React Grid TableA modular table, based on a CSS grid layout, optimized for customization.
GithubRuby interface to GitHub API
Drombler FxDrombler FX - the modular application framework for JavaFX.
Modularjs△ Dead simple modular JavaScript framework for ES modules.
Bankai🚉 - friendly web compiler
TensorhubTensorHub is a library built on top of TensorFlow 2.0 to provide simple, modular and repeatable abstractions to accelerate deep learning research.
CsspinCSS Spinners and Loaders - Modular, Customizable and Single HTML Element Code for Pure CSS Loader and Spinner
FairrootC++ simulation, reconstruction and analysis framework for particle physics experiments
GentlemanFull-featured, plugin-driven, extensible HTTP client toolkit for Go