Top 53 types open source projects

2. Monads
👻 Type safe Option, Result, and Either types; inspired by Rust
3. Bolt
Bolt is a language with in-built data-race freedom!
4. Graphql Typed Client
A tool that generates a strongly typed client library for any GraphQL endpoint. The client allows writing GraphQL queries as plain JS objects (with type safety, awesome code completion experience, custom scalar type mapping, type guards and more)
5. Phoenix Ecto Encryption Example
🔐 A detailed example for how to encrypt data in a Phoenix (Elixir) App before inserting into a database using Ecto Types
6. Junion
Delivers struct types for Java programming language.
7. Tarpit Rs
A type-level implementation of Smallfuck in Rust, doubling as a Turing-completeness proof for Rust's type system.
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9. Tyre
Typed Regular Expressions
10. Idaobjctypes
A collection of types & functions definitions useful for Objective-C binaries analysis.
11. Generics Sop
Generic Programming using True Sums of Products
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12. Kcc
k crash course
13. Graphql Typed Document Node
An improved version of `DocumentNode` for seamless TypeScript integration for GraphQL.
14. Typescript Runtime Type Benchmarks
Benchmark Comparison of Packages with Runtime Validation and TypeScript Support
15. Typedload
Python library to load dynamically typed data into statically typed data structures
16. Typetype
A programming language designed for typescript type generation
17. Ts Essentials
All basic TypeScript types in one place 🤙
18. Yaiouom
Prototype extension of the Rust type system towards checking units-of-measure
19. Row Types
A Haskell library for open records and variants using closed type families and type literals
22. Tsearch
⚠️ WIP ⚠️ Search TypeScript functions and methods by types
23. First Class Families
First-class type families
24. Types Installer
Installs @types for your dependencies
25. Lagom
📦 Autowiring dependency injection container for python 3
26. React Flow Types
Flow type definitions for React
27. Astnorm
AST normalization experiment
28. Thrift2flow
Converts Thrift specs into Flow JavaScript type definitions
29. Hindley Milner
Template for Hindley-Milner based languages
30. Typing
Work related to PEP 484: and (both released via PyPI) and issue tracker for type system bugs/features.
31. Mintype
🍵 minimal composable type abstraction
32. Typescript Type Generator
Generate interfaces on the go! Network request? Then generate interfaces for response!
33. Rcli
Rapidly create full-featured command line interfaces with help, subcommand dispatch, and validation.
34. Frosty
serialize native Nim types to strings, streams, or sockets ⛄
35. Tsargs
TypeScript utility types for function arguments
36. Tjson.rb
Ruby implementation of TJSON
37. Svelte Types
Typescript definitions for Svelte v3
38. Unicode Types
Basic Unicode Types of a Ruby String
39. Csstype
Strict TypeScript and Flow types for style based on MDN data
40. Interfacer
A linter that suggests interface types
41. Gentype
Auto generation of idiomatic bindings between Reason and JavaScript: either vanilla or typed with TypeScript/FlowType.
42. Dry Types
Flexible type system for Ruby with coercions and constraints
43. Mypyc
Compile type annotated Python to fast C extensions
44. Sqlalchemy Stubs
Mypy plugin and stubs for SQLAlchemy
45. Kotlingrad
Shape-Safe Symbolic Differentiation with Algebraic Data Types
46. Typed Racket
Typed Racket
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47. Typedefs
Programming language agnostic type construction language based on polynomials.
48. Typed
Improvements to PHP's type system in userland: generics, typed lists, tuples and structs
49. Sorbet Typed
A central repository for sharing type definitions for Ruby gems
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50. Typl
The Type Linter for JS
1-50 of 53 types projects