Top 17 SQL open source projects

1. sql python deep learning
Deep learning project made in SQL Server with python
2. yii2-advanced-with-vagrant
Yii2 advanced app setup with Vagrant / Debian 7.1 / PHP 5.4
3. ansible-lamp-server
ABANDONED: example code used in blog post "Installing a LAMP server with Ansible playbooks and roles"
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4. nodemonkey
Example of Modular Node.js with Bootstrap
5. HDUHomework
🏫 存放一些 杭电 的文件
6. LeetCode
At present contains scraped data from around 1500 problems present on the site. More to follow....
7. xiaozibao
Your personal magzine, adjusted by your taste.
9. 8-Week-SQL-Challenge
Case Study's from Danny Ma's Serious SQL Course
10. phalcon-restful
A RESTFul webservice made with Phalcon PHP - HMVC + Multiple Service Layer Model
11. ACE-World-16PY-Patches
World Database Releases for ACEmulator. This repo uses ACE-World-16PY as the base and combines it with patches to create the complete World.
12. sql-lexer
An SQL lexer for Node.js
13. solutions
Solutions for ML competetions
15. GoalioForgotPassword
A Zend Framework 2 (ZF2) Module offering forgot password via e-mail functionality to ZfcUser
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16. udemypy
Free Udemy courses everyday!
1-17 of 17 SQL projects