Top 28 YAML open source projects

1. Deploy
Ansible role to deploy scripting applications like PHP, Python, Ruby, etc. in a capistrano style
3. ansible-kafka
Ansible role for installing and configuring Apache Kafka on RedHat and Debian platforms.
4. argoflow
Deploying Kubeflow with Argo CD
✭ 102
6. litmus-helm
Helm Charts for the Litmus Chaos Operator & CRDs
8. omnia
An open-source toolkit for deploying and managing high performance clusters for HPC, AI, and data analytics workloads.
11. tower utilities
Ansible Collection for roles and other objects for general use with Tower
12. nftables
Ansible role to manage Nftables rules and packages.
✭ 80
13. argoflow-aws
No description, website, or topics provided.
✭ 38
14. helm-chart
Helm charts for Dask
16. jira role
Ansible role to install Atlassian JIRA
17. status
📈 Uptime monitor and status page for ORY
18. ACE-World-16PY-Patches
World Database Releases for ACEmulator. This repo uses ACE-World-16PY as the base and combines it with patches to create the complete World.
21. nitter-instances
Automated uptime monitoring of Nitter instances.
22. k3s-minio-deployment
Instructions and manifest files for deploying MinIO Object Storage on K3s.
25. etna-uptime
Based on
27. kube-guide
A getting started guide for Kubernetes.
28. upptime
⬆️ Free uptime monitor and status page powered by GitHub
1-28 of 28 YAML projects