Top 1337 XSLT open source projects

501. old-wpf-blog
A selection of posts from my old WPF blog.
✭ 83
502. scalariform
Scala source code formatter
✭ 114
503. wicket-stuff-markup-validator
Wicket response filter that validates XHTML markup
504. open-context-code
Source code for Open Context (
505. Alexa-Chatter
Programmable voice assistant
506. nginx-obs-automatic-low-bitrate-switching
Simple app to automatically switch scenes in OBS based on the current bitrate fetched from the NGINX stats page.
507. live-documenter
.NET documentation generator and live reader. Generate documentation from .NET code and xml comments, fast, quick and easy.
509. LightNet
A light-weight neural network optimizer for different software/hardware backends.
The personal website/blog from Nicolas Hoizey, built with
511. processing-pi-website
Files for the subdomain that documents Processing on the Raspberry Pi
512. hive-json-serde
Revised JSON SerDe Code
✭ 15
513. integration-config
⚙️ This is a mirror from See for contributing.
514. PyAMI
Python package for IBIS-AMI model development and testing
515. epubster
A web application to create and edit EPUBs, written in CakePHP.
517. indigo
Indigo Platform for publishing beautiful legislation.
518. ferenda
Transform unstructured document collections to structured Linked Data
519. seishub.core
SeisHub - a seismological XML/SQL database hybrid
522. eyoudao
523. openbadges
Repository for Open Badges Integration with Moodle LMS
524. faban
A framework for developing workload drivers and automation of performance tests
527. xe-manpages
No description, website, or topics provided.
528. asp-ajaxed
ASP Ajaxed is a free Classic ASP library with built-in AJAX support.
529. LFSCN
530. of-config
OF-CONFIG interface to Open vSwitch
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532. StrokesPlus
Mouse gesture application for Windows
534. COEUS
COEUS: Semantic Web Application Framework
535. jfreesane
Java API to talk to the SANE scanning daemon
536. platform external tagsoup
No description, website, or topics provided.
537. wwiser
wwiser - Wwise .bnk explorer and audio simulator.
538. bootstrap-editor
A collection of easy-to-setup content editors for Bootstrap.
539. nextcloud-grauphel
Tomboy note synchronization REST server nextcloud app
540. appetizer
Official repository for Appetizer, the open source application launcher, or dock, for Windows.
542. MyShogi
✭ 76
543. DAM
Temario y ejercicios de Desarrollo de Aplicaciones Multiplataforma (DAM)
544. youtrack.mylyn.connector
Eclipse plugin connector for YouTrack bugtracker using Mylyn
546. HebrewLexicon
BDB outline with links to Strong's and more
548. xsd2html2xml
Generates plain HTML5 forms from XML schemas (XSDs). Transforms filled-in forms into XML.
✭ 81
549. fixer
FIX (Financial Information eXchange) protocol fuzzer
550. bsdp
An binary diff&patch library based on bsdiff algorithm(v4.3)