Formation💻 macOS setup script for front-end development
EleventyA simpler static site generator. An alternative to Jekyll. Transforms a directory of templates (of varying types) into HTML.
11tybySimple 11ty setup using TypeScript, SASS, Preact with partial hydration, and other useful things. Aims to provide the DX of Gatsby, but using 11ty!
eleventy solo starter njkFurther development suspended as of 2021-09-11. Please refer instead to for a wide selection of other Eleventy starter sets.
objectfit-focalpointGenerate the object-position value to capture an image's focal point given a custom aspect-ratio.
eleventy-plugin-metagenAn Eleventy shortcode that generates metadata for Open Graph, Twitter card, generic meta tags and a canonical link.
YATASYet Another Tailwind Alpine Starter
smol-11ty-starterExtremely minimal Eleventy starter to kickstart a simple multi-page site / a nearly opinionless foundation to continue building on.
rocketThe modern web setup for static sites with a sprinkle of JavaScript
nicolas-hoizey.comThe personal website/blog from Nicolas Hoizey, built with
virtual-lollyJAMstack demo site - prerendered with serverless API fallbacks
11ty-sass-skeletonFeaturing absolutely nothing beyond a base HTML5 template and the essential setup to watch and compile your Sass alongside 11ty.
eleventy-plugin-pwaAn eleventy plugin to generate service-worker for PWA. Powered by Google Workbox
companies-on-blmWe are collecting corporate statements in response to racial injustice, along with Diversity/Inclusion reports and ICE contract information. We have several issues for requested companies, please feel free to add more!
1yA template project to build a short URL manager with Eleventy
bymattlee-11ty-starterA starter boilerplate powered by 11ty, Sanity, Gulp, Tailwind CSS, rollup.js, Alpine.js and Highway.
eleventy-duoEleventy Duo is a minimal and beautiful Eleventy theme for personal blogs.
static-siteStatic Sites - Open-Source and Paid | AppSeed App Generator
11straps11straps is a static website boilerplate. It combines Eleventy with Bootstrap 5. 🎉
data-11tyAn open source 11ty theme designed for reporting & data-visualization
nodejsdesignpatterns.comSource for Website for Node.js Design Patterns, book by Mario Casciaro and Luciano Mammino, published by Packt (
11ty-tailwind-jitTry editing some Tailwind in this repo while running in dev. It's SO FAST!
eleventy-navigationA plugin for creating hierarchical navigation in Eleventy projects. Supports breadcrumbs too!
frontend-tipsSuper tiny, quick tips, tricks and best practices of front-end development
frontenso-11ty-starterProduction-ready 11ty+Gulp+Webpack Starter that features Nunjucks, SASS, TailwindCSS (with JIT complier), and ESNext.
11rAmerica's favorite Eleventy blog template.
11upA utility to create an 11ty site scaffold from one of a number of site templates. Mostly just Phil Hawksworth's regular starting points
htmlrecipesA collection of quick copy HTML snippets for a variety of common scenarios.
alexcarpenter-11ty📝 Source files for my personal website built with Eleventy and hosted with Netlify.
eleventy-loadResolve dependencies and post-process files in your Eleventy project