Top 38 EmberScript open source projects

1. Kalibr
The Kalibr visual-inertial calibration toolbox
2. subt
This repostory contains software for the virtual track of the DARPA SubT Challenge. Within this repository you will find Gazebo simulation assets, ROS interfaces, support scripts and plugins, and documentation needed to compete in the SubT Virtual Challenge.
3. Source-Insight-config
My own Source Insight config
4. ros2 dotnet
.NET bindings for ROS2
5. ros buildfarm
ROS buildfarm based on Docker
6. rcutils
Common C functions and data structures used in ROS 2
7. roslisp
Client library for writing ROS nodes in idiomatic Common Lisp
8. 3dpatrolling
3D Multi-Robot Patrolling with a Two-Level Coordination Strategy
10. RoboND-EKFLab
Extended Kalman Filter Localization Lab
11. Source Insight Macro DoxygenFormat
Source Insight快捷宏,基于quicker.em进行修改,最终目的在于,采用便捷的方式添加注释,并符合Doexgen的解析规则
12. PyAMI
Python package for IBIS-AMI model development and testing
13. ros dds
(Deprecated) Prototype system using DDS as the middleware for a ROS like API.
14. Robot-Operating-System-Cookbook
Robot Operating System Cookbook, published by Packt
15. rosidl
Packages which provide the ROS IDL (.msg) definition and code generation.
16. emily
Git mirror of
17. WRF-Tools
Tools and scripts to set up and run WRF climate simulations.
18. atf
No description, website, or topics provided.
An efficient and robust framework for occupancy grid mapping and Euclidean distance transform
20. turtlebot simulator
Launchers for Gazebo simulation of the TurtleBot
21. magni robot
Starting point for Magni Robots. Includes launch files and configuration.
22. tiago robot
23. spectral-learn
Collection of three method of moments based algorithms for learning stochastic languages.
24. pr2 mechanism
Infrastructure to control the PR2 robot in a hard realtime control loop.
CMPCC: Corridor-based Model PredictiveContouring Control for Aggressive Drone Flight
26. dsv planner
Dual-Stage Viewpoint Planner for Autonomous Exploration
27. edk2-test
Test infrastructure and test cases for EDK II based firmware
28. hrp
The main repository for Husqvarna Research Platform.
29. burger war
No description, website, or topics provided.
30. uorb
C++ inter-thread publish/subscribe middleware ported from PX4 and redesigned based on POSIX
31. pi image build
No description, website, or topics provided.
32. intprt-cpp
Emelio interpreter written in C++
33. ros2cli
ROS 2 command line interface tools
34. the enigma project
An open source FPGA Enigma Machine created with Icestudio and Verilog
35. SourceInsightMacroCollection
A collection of Source Insight macros.
37. pifi
A headless wifi provisioning system.
38. rtt ros integration
Orocos-ROS integration libraries and tools
1-38 of 38 EmberScript projects