All Git Users → Meituan-Dianping

28 open source projects by Meituan-Dianping

1. Easytuple
Sometimes you may need to return multiple values other than just one. In these cases, you can use a pointer, like NSError **, or you can put them into an array or a dictionary, or straightforward, create a class for it. But you have another choice now, EasyTuple, it can group multiple values in a better way.
✭ 186
2. Dbproxy
No description, website, or topics provided.
3. Zebra
4. Octo Portal
OCTO-Portal 是OCTO服务治理体系的管理端,为服务权重修改,性能数据分析等服务治理功能提供人性化的一站式管理平台
✭ 152
5. Easysequence
EasySequence is a powerful fundamental library to process sequcence type, such as array, set, dictionary. All type object which conforms to NSFastEnumeration protocol can be initialzed to an EZSequence instance, then you can operation with them. Finally, you can transfer them back to the original type.
7. Easyreact
Are you confused by the functors, applicatives, and monads in RxSwift and ReactiveCocoa? It doesn't matter, the concepts are so complicated that not many developers actually use them in normal projects. Is there an easy-to-use way to use reactive programming? EasyReact is born for this reason.
8. Graver
Graver 是一款高效的 UI 渲染框架,它以更低的资源消耗来构建十分流畅的 UI 界面。Graver 独创性的采用了基于绘制的视觉元素分解方式来构建界面,得益于此,该框架能让 UI 渲染过程变得更加简单、灵活。
✭ 1,482
9. Lyrebird Ios
✭ 57
10. Myflash
flashback mysql data to any point
✭ 933
11. Shield
A declarative, efficient, and flexible Native framework for building user interfaces.
12. Appinit
AppInit 是一款 Android 应用初始化框架,基于组件化的设计思路,功能灵活,使用简单。
13. Walle
Android Signature V2 Scheme签名下的新一代渠道包打包神器
14. Lyrebird
15. Octo Rpc
OCTO-RPC 是支持Java和C++的企业级通信框架,在RPC服务之上扩展了丰富的服务治理功能,为美团各业务线提供高效、统一的通信服务。
✭ 525
16. Sqladvisor
17. Leaf
Distributed ID Generate Service
18. Mpvue
基于 Vue.js 的小程序开发框架,从底层支持 Vue.js 语法和构建工具体系。
19. Koa Restql
Build real RESTful APIs without writing one line of code.
✭ 444
20. Robust
Robust is an Android HotFix solution with high compatibility and high stability. Robust can fix bugs immediately without a reboot.
21. Logan
Logan is a lightweight case logging system based on mobile platform.
22. Octo Ns
OCTO-NS是美团OCTO服务治理体系服务注册发现功能的套件, 包括SDK(Java/C++)、本地服务治理代理(SgAgent), 服务缓存(NSC), 云端健康检查(Scanner)等基础组件,目前已经在全公司大规模使用
✭ 276
23. mos-mss
mtyun MSS(Meituan Storage Service) sdk for Node.js
✭ 17
24. lyrebird-tracking
Tracking 是基于Lyrebird的插件,提供服务请求的数据分析及验证的功能
25. asap
ASAP: A Chinese Review Dataset Towards Aspect Category Sentiment Analysis and Rating Prediction
✭ 150
26. vision-ml
A R-CNN machine learning model for handling Pop-up window in mobile Apps.
27. lyrebird-java-client
lyrebird-java-client 是Lyrebird的一个 Java SDK,通过调用Lyrebird本身提供的API实现在Java项目中控制 Lyrebird Services
1-28 of 28 user projects