All Git Users → blakeembrey

24 open source projects by blakeembrey

1. Co Mocha
Enable support for generators in Mocha tests
2. React Free Style
Make React components easier and more maintainable by using inline style objects
3. Sql Template Tag
ES2015 tagged template string for preparing SQL statements, works with `pg` and `mysql`
4. Change Case
Convert strings between camelCase, PascalCase, Capital Case, snake_case and more
✭ 1,369
5. Javascript Stringify
Stringify is to `eval` as `JSON.stringify` is to `JSON.parse`
6. Dombars
*DEPRECATED* DOM-based templating library with data-binding and built on Handlebars
✭ 54
7. Async Middleware
Wrap an asynchronous middleware (or handler) function for Express, Connect, router, etc.
✭ 46
9. No Case
Transform a string to lower space cased in JavaScript
✭ 27
10. Atom Alignment
Align selections for Atom `⌘⌥^ ]`
11. Title Case
Title case a string in JavaScript
✭ 24
12. Free Style
Make CSS easier and more maintainable by using JavaScript
13. Atom Dash
Dash documentation integration with Atom
14. Code Problems
Common code and interview problems solved in multiple languages
15. Tslint Config Standard
A TSLint config for JavaScript Standard Style
16. readable
Make articles readable again
✭ 33
17. node-htmlmetaparser
A `htmlparser2` handler for parsing rich metadata from HTML. Includes HTML metadata, JSON-LD, RDFa, microdata, OEmbed, Twitter cards and AppLinks.
18. iterative
Functions for working with iterators in JavaScript and TypeScript
19. universal-base64
Small universal base64 functions for node.js and browsers
20. deque
JavaScript implementation of a double-ended queue
21. simulate-event
A library for triggering DOM events.
✭ 21
23. code-challenge
Command line interface for running code challenges
✭ 16
24. is-generator
Check whether a given value is a generator function
✭ 15
1-24 of 24 user projects