All Git Users → dabit3

58 open source projects by dabit3

1. Heard
React Native Enterprise Social Messaging App
2. Aws Appsync React Workshop
Building real-time offline-ready Applications with React, GraphQL & AWS AppSync
3. Micro Frontend Example
Building Micro Frontends with React, Vue, and Single-spa
4. Next.js Amplify Workshop
AWS Amplify Next.js workshop
✭ 182
5. Full Stack Serverless Code
Code examples for my book Full Stack Serverless with O'Reilly Publications
6. Aws Amplify Workshop React
Building Serverless React Applications with AWS Amplify
7. Amplify Photo Sharing Workshop
Building full-stack cloud apps with AWS Amplify and React
8. Graphql Recipes
A list of GraphQL recipes that, when used with the Amplify CLI, will deploy an entire AWS AppSync GraphQL backend.
9. Next.js Cdk Amplify Workshop
Full stack serverless workshop with Next.js, CDK, and AWS Amplify
✭ 129
10. Aws Amplify Workshop React Native
Building Cloud-enabled Mobile Applications with React Native & AWS Amplify
11. Create New Cli
Create your own CLI using a series of simple commands.
13. Hype Beats
Real-time Collaborative Beatbox with React & GraphQL
14. Beginning Webpack
This repository goes along with the medium post titled "Beginner's guide to Webpack"
✭ 99
15. React Native Bootcamp
React Native Bootcamp Materials for
16. React Native Mobx List App
React Native + Mobx List Application
✭ 90
18. This Or That
This or that - Real-time atomic voting app built with AWS Amplify
19. Write With Me
Real-time Collaborative Markdown Editor
20. React Notes
React notes tutorial
✭ 77
21. React Native Navigation V2
Up and running with React Native Navigation - V2 - by Wix
22. Full Stack React Native Appsync Workshop
Building Full Stack GraphQL Applications with React Native & AWS AppSync
✭ 64
23. Next Apollo Appsync
A fork of Next Apollo by Adam Soffer to work with AWS AppSync
✭ 42
24. Graphql Search
Implementing Search in GraphQL using AWS AppSync & React Apollo
✭ 42
25. Appsync Auth0
Authenticating an AWS AppSync GraphQL API with Auth0
✭ 23
27. Gatsby Auth Starter Aws Amplify
Starter Project with Authentication with Gatsby & AWS Amplify
28. Dynamodb Documentclient Cheat Sheet
DynamoDB JavaScript DocumentClient cheat sheet
29. next.js-authentication-aws
This project deploys a Next.js project to AWS with comprehensive authentication enabled
30. react-aws-live-streaming
This project shows how to implement a live-streaming platform using AWS and React
31. appsync-auth-and-unauth
How to allow both authenticated & unauthenticated access to an API
32. bored-ape-yacht-club-api-and-subgraph
Graph Protocol Subgraph / API for querying Bored Ape Yacht Club NFT data with full text search
✭ 45
33. near-subgraph-workshop
Building a NEAR NFT API with The Graph
✭ 45
35. react-state-5-ways
React State implemented in 5 different ways - Recoil, XState, MobX, Context, and Redux
36. supabase-nextjs-auth
Example project implementing authentication, authorization, and routing with Next.js and Supabase
37. appsync-lambda-ai
Demo of using a GraphQL resolver to hit a lambda function, then hit a few AI services, and return the response.
38. flutter-redux-example
Example app using Flutter with Redux including multiple reducers & initial app state
39. Navigator-Experimental-example
Example using Navigator Experimental with Components
40. react-native-toasts
React Native Toasts Example from my Medium Post
41. graphql-suspense
Lightweight component that allows you to interact with a GraphQL API using React Suspense
✭ 65
42. jamstack-nyc
Gatsby + GraphQL Static Queries + Basic authentication
44. basic-serverless-api
A basic full stack example of building an API with AWS Amplify, Amazon API Gateway, AWS Lambda, and Amazon DynamoDB
45. cognito-lambda-examples
Examples showing how to implement functionality using Cognito in Lambda and Lambda triggers
✭ 20
46. chicken-tikka-masala-recipe
Nader's chicken tikka masala recipe
✭ 190
48. full-stack-ethereum-workshop
Building full stack dapps on the EVM with Hardhat, React, and Ethers.js
49. react-graphql-suspense
Playing around with GraphQL - asynchronous rendering with React Suspense / React cache & useReducer hook
50. react-authentication-in-depth
Example of User Authentication using React with React Router and AWS Amplify
1-50 of 58 user projects