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Top 364 react-router open source projects

React Router Last Location
Provides access to the last location in react + react-router (v4.x, v5.x) applications. ❤️ Using hooks? useLastLocation | 💉 Using HOC? withLastLocation
React Book
Storybook Router
A storybook decorator that allows you to use routing-aware components in your stories
Extremely simple boilerplate, easiest you can find, for React application including all the necessary tools: Flow | React 16 | redux | babel 6 | webpack 3 | css-modules | jest | enzyme | express + optional: sass/scss
Material UI version of, the biggest Node.js Chinese community.
Productivity Frontend
Productivity Application - Kanban Style Productivity Management Application with Customizable Boards, Lists and Cards to Make You More Productive.
React Course
Code for's "React" course
Universal React Router4
Demo app showing how to use react-router v4 for server- and client-side rendering
Music163 React
React Live Route
📌 An enhanced react-router-v4/5 Route that keeps route alive.
Imooc React
慕课网 React 视频课程源代码
Accounts Ui
Accounts UI for React in Meteor 1.3+
🍑 2020全栈学习Demo大合集 包含最新 hooks TS 等 还有umi+dva,数据可视化等实战项目 (持续更新中)
React Router Sitemap
Generate sitemap.xml by React Router configuration
💡✔ Wanna is an implementation of a 21st-century to-do list app.
Redux Auth Wrapper
A React Higher Order Component (HOC) for handling Authentication and Authorization with Routing and Redux
React Admin
Todo Redux Saga
Todo app with Create-React-App • React-Redux • Redux-Saga • Firebase • OAuth
React Pages
A complete solution for building a React/Redux application: routing, page preloading, (optional) server-side rendering, asynchronous HTTP requests, document metadata, etc.
React Auth App Example
An app example with authentication using Create React App, React, React Router, Apollo, GraphQL, Redux and Redux Form.
A cross platform desktop application for devRant
基于node的cms系统, 后端采用node+koa+redis,并通过本人封装的redis库实现数据操作,前端采用vue+ts+vuex开发,后台管理系统采用react全家桶开发
Online Shop
Online shop prototype implemented in React.
Ecommerce Site Template
A beautiful e-commerce template powered by React, Redux and other modern web tech.
Full Stack Serverless Code
Code examples for my book Full Stack Serverless with O'Reilly Publications
Template Rwb
A full-featured Webpack setup with hot-reload
Redux First History
🎉 Redux First History - Redux history binding support react-router - @reach/router - wouter
Spotify Clone Client
A ReactJS clone application of the popular Spotify music streaming service. This application utilizes the Spotify API and the Spotify Web Playback SDK
React Demo
React 示例项目 · 简易留言板。本项目拥有完善的文档说明与注释,让您快速上手 React 开发 SPA。Webpack / ES6 + Babel / Redux / React Router —— An Excellent React Starter,可能是东半球最佳的 React Starter,基于 Vue Cli 二次开发
V2 Universal Js Hmr Ssr React Redux
⚡ (V2) Universal JS - Server Side Rendering, Code Splitting and Hot Module Reloading ⚡
React Page Transition
A React component that makes it easy to use the page transitions from the Codedrops page transitions demo with React
Isomorphic Relay Router
Adds server side rendering support to react-router-relay
React Admin
基于antd、redux-observable、redux-thunk、react-router响应式SPA脚手架,后台管理系统demo. 权限管理,用户管理,菜单管理。无限级菜单,下拉树形选择框
React Cnode Touch
Create React Server
Server & middleware for React + Router + Redux with Server Side Rendering
Code Splitting React Webpack
An example of how to code split with Webpack 2 and React Router
1-60 of 364 react-router projects