All Git Users β†’ mirego

29 open source projects by mirego

1. Gaffe
πŸ’₯ Gaffe handles Rails error pages in a clean, simple way.
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2. Activerecord json validator
πŸ”© ActiveRecord::JSONValidator makes it easy to validate JSON attributes against a JSON schema.
3. Mix audit
πŸ•΅οΈβ€β™€οΈ MixAudit provides a mix deps.audit task to scan a project Mix dependencies for known Elixir security vulnerabilities
4. React Boilerplate
βš› The stable base upon which we build our React projects at Mirego.
5. Mcawss3client
Amazon S3 client based on AFHTTPClient
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6. Accent
The first developer-oriented translation tool. True asynchronous flow between translators and your team.
7. Elixir Boilerplate
βš— The stable base upon which we build our Elixir projects at Mirego.
8. MCUIViewLayout
MCUIViewLayout is a category added over UIView to easily build layouts
9. MCAnimationView
UIImageView alternative for animations that don't need to load all the images in memory at once and provide callbacks when the animation is done.
10. active model serializers validator
πŸƒ An extension to ActiveModel::Serializer that validates serializers output against a JSON schema
11. bourgeois
🎩 Bourgeois is a Ruby library that makes using presenters a very simple thing.
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12. phare
🚨 Phare looks into your files and check for coding style errors.
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13. MCUIImageAdvanced
Advanced and powerful functionality enhancements to UIImage
15. trikot
🧢 Trikot is a framework that helps building Kotlin Multiplatform apps. iOS, Android and Web are the primary targets.
16. trikot.http
HTTP networking abstraction for Kotlin Multiplatform
17. ember-best-language
🏳 A FastBoot-enabled addon to detect the best language for your user.
18. emotions
🎭 Allow ActiveRecord records to express (and hopefully store) emotions (eg. `happy`, `sadness`, `surprise`, etc.) about other records.
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19. microscope
πŸ”¬ Microscope adds useful scopes targeting ActiveRecord boolean, date and datetime fields.
20. credo naming
🏷 A suite of Credo checks to enforce naming best practices in an Elixir project
21. simple-css-reset
🎏 A simple, no-nonsense CSS reset stylesheet to use as an NPM dependency.
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22. dispatch
πŸ¦€ Dispatch makes sure pull requests within a GitHub organization get reviewed by the right people.
Core utilities for Kotlin Multiplatform
24. emojimmy
[Deprecated] Emojimmy makes it possible to store emoji characters in ActiveRecord datastores that don’t support 4-Byte UTF-8 Unicode (utf8mb4) encoding.
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25. activerecord sane schema dumper
πŸ“ ActiveRecord::SaneSchemaDumper removes useless/harmful whitespace from Rails’ generated `db/schema.rb` file.
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26. camaraderie
πŸ‘¬ Camaraderie takes away the pain of managing membership stuff between users and organizations.
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27. partisan
🚩 Partisan is a Ruby library that allows ActiveRecord records to be followers and followables.
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28. absinthe error payload
Bridges the gap between Ecto and Absinthe for mutation payload
29. trikot.patron
Kotlin Multiplatform Sample Project using Trikot libraries
1-29 of 29 user projects