All Git Users → yihui

40 open source projects by yihui

1. Servr
A simple HTTP server in R
2. Knitr Book
Dynamic Documents with R and knitr
3. Blogdown Jekyll
Automatically knit R Markdown documents, build them with Jekyll, and serve the website with servr locally
4. Formatr
Format R Code Automatically
✭ 179
5. Knitr
A general-purpose tool for dynamic report generation in R
6. Animation
A gallery of animations in statistics and utilities to create animations
7. Hugo Ivy
A Hugo theme ported from Ivy
✭ 147
8. Rolldown
R Markdown output formats for storytelling
9. Printr
Some (magical) printing methods for knitr
✭ 117
10. Bookdown Chinese
bookdown 中文书籍范例
✭ 79
Old GitHub homepage of Yihui Xie
✭ 64
12. Xaringan
Presentation Ninja 幻灯忍者 · 写轮眼
13. Bookdown Crc
A minimal example of using bookdown to write a book for Chapman & Hall/CRC
14. Rlp
An Example of Using Literate Programming for R Package Development
15. Latex Pass
Help you pass the LaTeX compilation by telling you which LaTeX packages are missing to compile your documents
✭ 37
16. Highr
Syntax Highlighting for R Source Code
17. Mime
Map filenames to MIME types
18. R Ninja
✭ 748
19. Tinytex
A lightweight, cross-platform, portable, and easy-to-maintain LaTeX distribution based on TeX Live
20. Knitr Examples
A collection of knitr examples
21. Hugo Xmin
eXtremely Minimal Hugo theme: about 150 lines of code in total, including HTML and CSS (with no dependencies)
22. Rmarkdown Cookbook
R Markdown Cookbook. A range of tips and tricks to make better use of R Markdown.
23. recharts
An R Interface to Apache ECharts (incubating)
✭ 113
24. hugo-lithium
Lithium - A simple responsive Hugo theme
25. r-shippable
Pre-install some packages for my R package CI+CD on
✭ 13
26. xfun
Miscellaneous R functions
27. roxygen2
In-source documentation for R (⚠️ ⚠️ ⚠️ please submit your pull requests to the upstream repo instead of this repo ⚠️ ⚠️ ⚠️)
✭ 38
28. rnotebook
R Notebook based on JSON and R Markdown (experimental)
✭ 18
29. zdict.js
✭ 26
30. lyx-R
support for R in LyX (Sweave and knitr, ...)
✭ 26
31. testit
A simple package for testing R packages
32. travis-bin
Some binaries built for Ubuntu 18.04 (Pandoc and TeXLive)
33. hugo-xmag
A minimal magazine theme for Hugo
34. twitter-blogdown
Fetch Twitter messages weekly and turn them into a website based on blogdown
35. xran
Xie's R Archive Network (experimental and for my personal interest only)
36. hugo-prose
A Hugo theme derived from the XMin theme, and inspired by Wowchemy, Distill, and tufte.css
37. cn
Chinese blog of Yihui Xie
✭ 34
38. runr
Run external programs from R (experimental)
39. shiny-apps
Some of my Shiny apps for fun
40. rmini
A minimal R package with examples of most common components
✭ 90
1-40 of 40 user projects