Top 9 bids open source projects

fmriflows is a consortium of many (dependent) fMRI analysis pipelines, including anatomical and functional pre-processing, univariate 1st and 2nd-level analysis, as well as multivariate pattern analysis.
MATLAB / Octave tools for BIDS datasets
MNE-BIDS is a Python package that allows you to read and write BIDS-compatible datasets with the help of MNE-Python.
Reorganising NIfTI files from dcm2niix into the Brain Imaging Data Structure
dMRIPrep is a robust and easy-to-use pipeline for preprocessing of diverse dMRI data. The transparent workflow dispenses of manual intervention, thereby ensuring the reproducibility of the results.
Connectome Mapper 3 is a BIDS App that implements full anatomical, diffusion, resting/state functional MRI, and recently EEG processing pipelines, from raw T1 / DWI / BOLD , and preprocessed EEG data to multi-resolution brain parcellation with corresponding connection matrices.
BrkRaw: A comprehensive tool to access raw Bruker Biospin MRI data
A set of BIDS compatible datasets with empty raw data files that can be used for writing lightweight software tests.
1-9 of 9 bids projects