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Top 67 jenkins-plugin open source projects project webhook plugin for jenkins
Jenkins Control Plugin
Jenkins integration in IDEA Platforms
Hashicorp Vault Plugin
Jenkins plugin to populate environment variables from secrets stored in HashiCorp's Vault.
Performance Plugin
Performance Test Running and Reporting for Jenkins CI
Cucumber Reports Plugin
Jenkins plugin to generate cucumber-jvm reports
Stashnotifier Plugin
A Jenkins Plugin to notify Atlassian Stash|Bitbucket of build results
Sonar Scanner Jenkins
SonarQube Scanner for Jenkins
Aws Codebuild Jenkins Plugin
AWS CodeBuild integration as a Jenkins build step.
Delivery Pipeline Plugin
Jenkins plugin for pipeline visualisation, perfect for Continuous Delivery
Swarm Plugin
Jenkins swarm plugin
Export/Import Jenkins jobs & plugins 📤
Promoted Builds Plugin
Jenkins Promoted Builds Plugin
Jira Steps Plugin
Jenkins pipeline steps for integration with JIRA.
Github Integration Plugin
Jenkins GitHub Integration Plugin
Envinject Plugin
This plugin makes it possible to setup a custom environment for your jobs
Copyartifact Plugin
Jenkins copyartifact plugin
Golang Plugin
Automatically installs the Go tools on Jenkins build agents
Simple Theme Plugin
A simple theme plugin for Jenkins
Jenkins Os
Groovy pipeline jobs that build and test Container Linux with Jenkins
Kubernetes Credentials Provider Plugin
Credentials provider that allows storing credentials in Kubernetes
Accurev Plugin
Jenkins accurev plugin
Docker Workflow Plugin
Jenkins plugin which allows building, testing, and using Docker images from Jenkins Pipeline projects.
Pipeline Aws Plugin
Jenkins Pipeline Step Plugin for AWS
Email Ext Plugin
Jenkins Email Extension Plugin
Generic Webhook Trigger Plugin
Can receive any HTTP request, extract any values from JSON or XML and trigger a job with those values available as variables. Works with GitHub, GitLab, Bitbucket, Jira and many more.
OWASP dependency-check is a software composition analysis utility that detects publicly disclosed vulnerabilities in application dependencies.
Github Plugin
Jenkins GitHub plugin
Test and monitor your projects for vulnerabilities with Jenkins. This plugin is officially maintained by Snyk.
Jenkins Calendar View Plugin: Shows past and future builds in a calendar view
Nomad cloud plugin for Jenkins
API plugin, which provides the common shared functionality for various Docker-related plugins.
The project offers the possibility to build test reports using a bootstrap components, offering rendering support on a wide range of devices.
File Operations as Build Step in Jenkins
DEPRECATED: A Jenkins plugin that lets you publish Android apps to Fabric Beta
Jenkins plugin for OWASP Dependency-Check. Inspects project components for known vulnerabilities (e.g. CVEs).
A Jenkins plugin which allows to contol the step execution by conditions
Comments GitHub pull requests with static code analyzer findings.
A Jenkins plugin for analyzing the historical console output of a Job with the goal of determining which steps are taking the most time.
This plugin allows you to configure email notifications for build results
This plugin integrates Jenkins with ECU-TEST and generates reports on automated test execution.
Allows Jenkins admins to control what in-process scripts can be run by users
Set of environment variables that describe the user who started the build
1-60 of 67 jenkins-plugin projects