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Top 168 kubernetes-cluster open source projects

🚀 Geodesic is a DevOps Linux Distro. We use it as a cloud automation shell. It's the fastest way to get up and running with a rock solid Open Source toolchain. ★ this repo!
Single dependency Kubernetes clusters for local testing, experimenting and development
Prometheus Kubernetes
Monitoring Kubernetes clusters on AWS, GCP and Azure using Prometheus Operator and Grafana
Kubernetes On Aws
Deploying Kubernetes on AWS with CloudFormation and Ubuntu
Spring Boot Microservices On Kubernetes
In this code we demonstrate how a simple Spring Boot application can be deployed on top of Kubernetes. This application, Office Space, mimicks the fictitious app idea from Michael Bolton in the movie "Office Space".
Kubeadm Ansible
Build a Kubernetes cluster using kubeadm via Ansible.
Kube Iptables Tailer
A service for better network visibility for your Kubernetes clusters.
Kubernetes Ansible
Production-grade, airgapped Kubernetes installer combining upstream k8s with overlays and popular components
Cluster Api Provider Aws
Kubernetes Cluster API Provider AWS provides consistent deployment and day 2 operations of "self-managed" and EKS Kubernetes clusters on AWS.
Kubernetes spawner for JupyterHub
Kubernetes multi-cluster management and publishing platform
Home Cluster
My home Kubernetes (k3s) cluster managed by GitOps (Flux2)
Provides a flexible, rapid and convenient way to install Kubernetes only, both Kubernetes and KubeSphere, and related cloud-native add-ons. It is also an efficient tool to scale and upgrade your cluster.
Kube Cluster Osx
Local development multi node Kubernetes Cluster for macOS made very simple
Kubernetes Under The Hood
This tutorial is someone planning to install a Kubernetes cluster and wants to understand how everything fits together.
Kubernetes Certified Administrator
Online resources that will help you prepare for taking the CNCF CKA 2020 "Kubernetes Certified Administrator" Certification exam. with time, This is not likely the comprehensive up to date list - please make a pull request if there something that should be added here.
TelCo grade network management in a Kubernetes cluster
Kube Vip
Kubernetes Control Plane Virtual IP and Load-Balancer
Blockchain Network On Kubernetes
Demonstrates the steps involved in setting up your business network on Hyperledger Fabric using Kubernetes APIs on IBM Cloud Kubernetes Service.
Making GitOps with Kubernetes easier one component at a time
Kubernetes Tutorial
Running Kubernetes cluster Locally tutorial
(Deprecated) Submit all images in your Kubernetes cluster to Anchore for a vulnerability check and check your configuration with kubeaudit
k8s国内安装脚本: 不整那么复杂, 复制-粘贴-敲回车就好了.
A Webhook Token Authentication plugin for kubernetes to use LDAP as authentication source
Autoscaling utility for horizontally scaling Linodes in an LKE Cluster Node Pool based on memory or cpu usage
Method to Setup Metrics-Server on Kubernetes via Rancher-Deployed Cluster
Production-quality Kubernetes on AWS: the reference infrastructure fabric for building a modern microservices web app.
Firework8s is a collection of kubernetes objects (yaml files) for deploying workloads in a home lab.
Set up Kubernetes cluster using KVM, Terraform and Kubespray
Watch on Kubernetes events, filter and send them as standard wehbook to any system
Enable GitHub developers to deploy to Kubernetes service using GitHub Actions
This role render an arbitrary number of Jinja2 templates and deploys or removes them to/from Kubernetes clusters.
Apache Spark enhanced with native Kubernetes scheduler back-end: NOTE this repository is being ARCHIVED as all new development for the kubernetes scheduler back-end is now on
61-120 of 168 kubernetes-cluster projects