Sist2Lightning-fast file system indexer and search tool
Cphalcon7Dao7 - Web framework for PHP7.x,项目接洽 QQ 176013762
LmdbxxC++11 wrapper for the LMDB embedded B+ tree database library.
RkvA simple, humane, typed Rust interface to LMDB.
HeedA fully typed LMDB/MDBX wrapper with minimum overhead
ArdbA redis protocol compatible nosql, it support multiple storage engines as backend like Google's LevelDB, Facebook's RocksDB, OpenLDAP's LMDB, PerconaFT, WiredTiger, ForestDB.
Lmdb GoBindings for the LMDB C library
BenchmarksBenchmark of open source, embedded, memory-mapped, key-value stores available from Java (JMH)
Py WsiPython package for dealing with whole slide images (.svs) for machine learning, particularly for fast prototyping. Includes patch sampling and storing using OpenSlide. Patches may be stored in LMDB, HDF5 files, or to disk. It is highly recommended to fork and download this repository so that personal customisations can be made for your work.
Ml PyxisTool for reading and writing datasets of tensors in a Lightning Memory-Mapped Database (LMDB). Designed to manage machine learning datasets with fast reading speeds.
CruxGeneral purpose bitemporal database for SQL, Datalog & graph queries
QuadrableAuthenticated multi-version database: sparse binary merkle tree with compact partial-tree proofs
FastonosqlFastoNoSQL is a crossplatform Redis, Memcached, SSDB, LevelDB, RocksDB, UnQLite, LMDB, ForestDB, Pika, Dynomite, KeyDB GUI management tool.
Nideepcollection of utilities to use with deep learning libraries (e.g. caffe)
LibmdbxOne of the fastest embeddable key-value ACID database without WAL. libmdbx surpasses the legendary LMDB in terms of reliability, features and performance.
LmdbjavaLightning Memory Database (LMDB) for Java: a low latency, transactional, sorted, embedded, key-value store
DatalevinA simple, fast and durable Datalog database
Torch Toolbox[Active development]ToolBox to make using Pytorch much easier.Give it a star if you feel helpful.
zlmdbObject-relational in-memory database layer based on LMDB
monero-lwsMonero Light Wallet Server (scans monero viewkeys and implements mymonero API)
lmdb-jsSimple, efficient, ultra-fast, scalable data store wrapper for LMDB
PyTorch-LMDBScripts to work with LMDB + PyTorch for Imagenet training
milliSearch engine library for Meilisearch ⚡️
lmdbxxC++17 wrapper for the LMDB embedded B+ tree database library
Image2LMDBConvert image folder to lmdb, adapted from Efficient-PyTorch
Spreads.LMDBLow-level zero-overhead and the fastest LMDB .NET wrapper with some additional native methods useful for Spreads
FUTUREA private, free, open-source search engine built on a P2P network
hermesA library and microservice implementing the health and care terminology SNOMED CT with support for cross-maps, inference, fast full-text search, autocompletion, compositional grammar and the expression constraint language.