sympy-paperRepo for the paper "SymPy: symbolic computing in python"
pyccelPython extension language using accelerators
sympytorchTurning SymPy expressions into PyTorch modules.
Google-Summer-of-Code-with-SymPyThis repository showcases my proposal, final report, and the work done during Google Summer of Code 2020 with the SymPy project.
PyLMI-SDP[UNMAINTAINED] Symbolic linear matrix inequalities (LMI) and semi-definite programming (SDP) tools for Python
CC33ZCurso de Ciência da Computação
SymPyBotics[UNMAINTAINED] Symbolic Framework for Modeling and Identification of Robot Dynamics
pyodesys∫ Straightforward numerical integration of systems of ordinary differential equations
jupyter boilerplateAdds a customizable menu item to Jupyter (IPython) notebooks to insert boilerplate snippets of code