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Top 11 tailwind-css-template open source projects

🚀 Free NextJS Landing Page Template written in Tailwind CSS 3 and TypeScript ⚡️ Made with developer experience first: Next.js 12 + TypeScript + ESLint + Prettier + Husky + Lint-Staged + VSCode + Netlify + PostCSS + Tailwind CSS
Play is free and open source Tailwind CSS template for - Startup, SaaS, Apps, Business and More. It comes with a high-quality design and all essential components & pages you need to launch a complete website.
Free Vue.js 3.x Tailwind 3.x admin dashboard template with dark mode. Vite builds. Pinia state. Laravel integration available
Website clones/examples using Tailwind CSS.
1-11 of 11 tailwind-css-template projects