Top 352 applescript open source projects

251. tools
Various AppleScripts, Keyboard Maestro Macros, TextExpander snippets and other not-so-interesting stuff…
252. latex-boilerplate
The starting point for all my LaTeX documents.
253. PR3ForAppleAdmins
Resources and example files for the Book "Property Lists, Preferences and Profiles for Apple Administrators"
254. ExtraInfoPlus
No description, website, or topics provided.
255. node-hotspot
Manage, Add & Remove infrastructure mode hotspots on Windows & OSX, WIP: Linux
256. rollup-plugin-hot
HMR plugin for Rollup, leveraging SystemJS (POC)
257. chromecast-receiver-react
Chromecast receiver using React and dash.js
259. DotFiles
Aliases, functions and shell utilities.
260. Dotfiles
Well documented awesome dotfiles 😍 Many neovim lua configs, handy zsh/bash functions, fzf functions + more
261. My-Simple-OC-Themes
Themes for use with OpenCore and OpenCanopy
262. alfred.flux
Control Flux with Alfred
263. SiriRemoteBTT
Use Your Siri Remote with Your Mac
264. foobar2000-mac
Run Foobar2000 on your Mac with this guide and launcher program
266. SampleScripts
Sample scripts for CotEditor
267. SeasonPremiere
A TV show streamer using some APIs and peerflix
268. Delegated-and-deferred
An Applescript for Omnifocus to mark tasks as being delegated.
269. react-mobx-todo-editor
An example of React & MobX MVVM approach:
270. react-starter-boilerplate
Starter boilerplate for both isomorphic and spa react applications
271. osx-wifi-volume-remote
A web-based html5 / node.js app to control OS X system volume from iPhone, Android, etc
273. dark-switch
Switch macOS dark mode in one click 🌒🔅
274. textual-scripts
Scripts I've written over time for my personal use with Textual IRC.
275. etv-comskip
Commercial Marking and Skipping for EyeTV and iTunes Exports
276. lovebizhi-collector
This is a nodejs script that uses lovebizhi apis to collect wallpapers, and auto change wallpapers for OS X.
278. SlimJS
An Async Node.js SliM server for FitNesse
280. jsfs-tool-dotfiles
With these files and scripts we have configured the development machines we are using in the FullStack Javascript developer course
281. nicelinks-quick-app
🌪Awesome NICE LINKS(倾城之链) client built with quickapp(快应用).
283. dotfiles
Backup of my dotfiles and pretty much anything else
285. OutlookMac-Archive-ExchangeToLocal
An AppleScript for Outlook Mac 2011 that makes up for the missing auto archive functionality typically found in Outlook for Windows
286. acmart-sigproc-template
New template for ACM Conferences (acmart / sigconf)
287. lock-screen-app
The missing Lock Screen app for Spotlight of macOS.
288. Snapp
Snapp enables drag-and-drop window management for macOS.
289. node-osascript
A stream for Apple Open Scripting Architecture (OSA) through AppleScript or Javascript
291. Notes
No description, website, or topics provided.
292. keynote-extractor-native
Native version of Keynote Extractor (Swift)
293. copy-public-url
A Folder Action Script that copies to clipboard the public URL of any newly created file inside of a public folder in Dropbox or Google Drive
294. cli
🐸 The command-line interface for set up a standard frontend project (react-spa, vue-spa, react-ssr, react-component, vue-component, toolkit)
295. URL2PDF
Commandline utility to download URLs as PDFs and a wrapper action for Apple's Automator.
296. pomodoro-scripts
A set of scripts for Pomodoro OSX application
297. Mini-Monterey-Patcher
A (terminal-based) patcher for macOS Monterey.
298. AutoForwardIMessage
To help those who have to juggle between Android and iPhone...
299. cherrypick
Painless .ipa downloading from iTunes
251-300 of 352 applescript projects