Top 160 ASP.NET open source projects

101. Property-Agent
Property Agent for DotNetNuke is a templated property module that allows you to manage and display all kinds of properties from cars to boats to real estate.
103. Herp-Derps-Plight-Source-Code-And-Project-Files
Developed using the Unity Engine, 'Herp Derp's Plight' is a 2D, Roguelike, card battler adventure game inspired by 'Dungeons And Dragons', 'Slay The Spire' and 'Divinity 2: Original Sin'. This project is currently my main focus, and due for alpha release in March 2021
104. DNN.Feedback
DNN Feedback is a basic module used for accepting user inquiries on your DNN site.
105. swisskyrepo-PayloadsAllTheThings
106. SharePoint-Add-in-REST-OData-BasicDataOperations
Use the SharePoint REST/OData endpoints to perform create, read, update, and delete operations on lists and list items from a SharePoint Add-in.
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107. minecraft-server-template
A 30 seconds quickstart template for creating minecraft server networks with docker and git.
109. Unity-2018-By-Example-Second-Edition
Unity 2018 By Example Second Edition, published by Packt
110. DNN.Reports
DNN Reports module provides a simple, flexible, view on your database, any table, any view and display results with plugin visualizers
111. ngGitHouse
Using Angular 11 inside ASP.NET MVC 5 with Angular CLI using Visual Studio 2017/ 2019
112. Office-Add-in-Commands
[Moved] Sample that illustrates how to add custom commands to the Office Ribbon and Context Menus
113. Reinforcement-Learning
Solutions for different Reinforcement Learning environments
115. Reg2CI
Create System Center Configuration manager ConfigItem (CI's) from a .reg (Registry) or a .pol (Policy) file.
116. ASPMCServer-CS
117. Presentations
Source code for my presentations
118. py3webfuzz
A Python3 module to assist in fuzzing web applications
119. UnderstandingUnity
Understanding Internal Structure of the Unity Game Engine.
120. UnityPDFReader
Unity PDF reader using GhostScript library C# wrapper.
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121. piwik-dotnet-tracker
C# API client SDK for the Piwik Tracking API
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123. IFramework
cqrs + event driven + distributed + supports both classic ddd and event sourcing + inmemory domain.
124. Craal
Finding Valuable Needles in Global Source Code Haystacks with Automation
126. FeedCollector
A simple website for aggregating RSS/Atom feeds
127. CaptchaGen
Captcha Generator - .Net
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YAF.NET (aka Yet Another Forum.NET) for DNN
129. C2ReverseProxy
130. Tea-Commerce-for-Umbraco
Tea Commerce is an e-commerce package for Umbraco CMS
131. HelloWorldMVCAppSettingDemo
Example of deploying an MVC application with app settings using the Azure Deploy Button
132. CKEditorProvider
An HTML Editor Provider for DNN using the CKEditor.
133. SharePoint-Add-in-JSOM-CrossDomain
Use the SharePoint Cross Domain JavaScript library (CDL) to access SharePoint data from a remotely hosted web page without the need for OAuth tokens.
134. Clever-Internet-Suite-Examples
These example projects are intended to demonstrate the functionality of the Clever Internet Suite components.
136. depthai-unity-plugin
DepthAI Unity Plugin
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137. DNN.Events
DNN Events manages display of upcoming events as a list in chronological order or in calendar format with additional information. This Github repo is used for source management and releases.
138. AMSI Handler
Automate AV evasion by calling AMSI
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139. aws-dotnet-session-provider
A session state provider for ASP.NET applications that stores the sessions in Amazon DynamoDB
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140. appointment-reminders-csharp
Example App and Tutorial content for Appointment Reminders in C# | .NET
142. dnnextensions
One solution. Multiple extensions. No pain. A collection of DNN modules and other extensions.
143. InlineCssParser
A Visual Studio Extension that helps to extract inline styles into a seperate css file.
144. flutter-unity
A Flutter plugin for embedding Unity projects in Flutter projects.
146. TutorialUnityMultiplayer
How to use Command Design Pattern to make custom networking for Unity?
147. argos-saleslogix
SalesLogix-specific HTML/CSS/JavaScript mobile SData client based on argos-sdk
148. microsoft-teams-apps-list-search
The List Search app lets users search for and share items in a SharePoint list, all from Microsoft Teams.
149. trifolia
Trifolia template/profile editor and publication tool
150. Project-Samples
This Project Online add-in demonstrates how to create a project using DotNet with CSOM
101-150 of 160 ASP.NET projects