Top 2628 elixir open source projects

301. Elixir Nodejs
An Elixir API for calling Node.js functions
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302. Dep viz
A visual tool to help developers understand Elixir recompilation in their projects
303. Relax
Simple Elixir implementation of a server.
✭ 121
304. Type class
(Semi-)principled type classes for Elixir
305. Phoenix Diff
See the changes needed when upgrading an Elixir Phoenix application
306. Quenya
Quenya is a framework to build high-quality REST API applications based on extended OpenAPI spec
307. Anubis
Command Line application framework for Elixir
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309. Elixir Telegram Bot Boilerplate
A boilerplate for making telegram bots with Elixir and Nadia
310. Moba
A turn-based browser RPG built with Phoenix LiveView
311. Writing an interpreter in elixir
Elixir implementation of an interpreter for the Monkey programming language
312. Skooma
Elixir data validation library
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313. Nerves hub web
Manage firmware updates for Nerves devices
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314. Elixrgettingstartedchinese
Elixir官网的入门教程中文翻译 Elixir Getting Started Chinese Version
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315. Sqlite ecto2
Sqlite3 adapter for Ecto 2.2.x
317. Broadway rabbitmq
A Broadway producer for RabbitMQ
318. Bob
The Builder
✭ 115
319. Phoenix live dashboard
Realtime dashboard with metrics, request logging, plus storage, OS and VM insights
320. Hulaaki
DEPRECATED : An Elixir library (driver) for clients communicating with MQTT brokers(via the MQTT 3.1.1 protocol).
321. Chartkick Ex
Create beautiful Javascript charts with minimal code
322. Strobe Hub
The server for the strobe audio system
323. Makeup
Syntax highlighter for elixir inspired by Pygments
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324. Phoenix Liveview Counter Tutorial
🤯 beginners tutorial building a real time counter in Phoenix 1.5.5 + LiveView 0.14.7 ⚡️
Glimesh is a next generation live streaming platform built by the community, for the community.
326. Introducing Elixir
Example code from Introducing Elixir.
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327. Pxblog
Phoenix Blog Engine from my tutorial
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328. Github ecto
Ecto adapter for GitHub API
329. Conduit
A message queue framework, with support for middleware and multiple adapters.
330. Premailex
Preflight for your HTML emails - inline styling and plain text.
332. Elixir Raknet
An Elixir client for the core of the RakNet networking protocol, useful for games and other latency-sensitive applications that typically rely on UDP
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333. Doorman
Tools to make Plug, and Phoenix authentication simple and flexible.
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334. Dispatch
A distributed service registry built on top of phoenix_pubsub.
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335. Mix generator
Project generator for mix (an alternative to mix new)
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336. Scenic new
mix task for Scenic apps
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338. Analytics Elixir library for Elixir
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339. Rethinkdb ecto
RethinkDB adapter for Ecto.
340. Perhap
Perhap is an purely functional event store and service framework inspired by domain driven design and reactive architectures.
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341. Kronky
Kronky bridges the gap between Ecto and Absinthe GraphQL by listing validation messages in a mutation payload.
342. Yummy Phoenix Graphql
Cooking recipe sharing app built with Phoenix, React, GraphQL and Kubernetes
343. Certstream Server
Certificate Transparency Log aggregation, parsing, and streaming service written in Elixir
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344. Antikythera
Elixir framework to build your own in-house PaaS
345. Reverse proxy plug
🔛 an Elixir reverse proxy Plug with HTTP/2, chunked transfer and path proxying support
346. Eml
Library for writing and manipulating (html) markup in Elixir.
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347. Sqlitex
An Elixir wrapper around esqlite. Allows access to sqlite3 databases.
348. Ja resource
A behaviour to reduce boilerplate code in your JSON-API compliant Phoenix controllers without sacrificing flexibility.
349. Maxwell
Maxwell is an HTTP client which support for middleware and multiple adapters.
350. Bamboo smtp
An SMTP adapter for Bamboo.
301-350 of 2628 elixir projects