Text SpinnersPure text, CSS only, font independent, inline loading indicators
Php Console SpinnerColorful highly configurable spinner for php cli applications (suitable for async apps)
Halo💫 Beautiful spinners for terminal, IPython and Jupyter
Alive ProgressA new kind of Progress Bar, with real-time throughput, ETA, and very cool animations!
Vue Promise BtnVue.js plugin that handles buttons async lock state. Demo: https://stukh.github.io/vue-promise-btn/
React Native Input SpinnerAn extensible input number spinner component for react-native highly customizable. This component enhance a text input for entering numeric values, with increase and decrease buttons.
ApesuperhudA simple way to display a HUD with a message or progress information in your application.
Vue WaitComplex Loader and Progress Management for Vue/Vuex and Nuxt Applications
YacspinYet Another CLi Spinner; providing over 70 easy to use and customizable terminal spinners for multiple OSes
Orchestra🎺 Orchestra is a collection of Android custom view compatible libraries for Jetpack Compose.
Ember Cli PacePace.js load progress bar for Ember apps, incl. Flash-like initial script lazy loading
Py Spinners🔄 More than 60 spinners for terminal, python wrapper for amazing node library cli-spinners
EasyadapterRecyclerview adapter library- Create adapter in just 3 lines of code
SwiftloaderA simple and beautiful activity indicator written in Swift
MaterialspinnerImplementation of a Material Spinner for Android with TextInputLayout functionalities
SpinnerGo (golang) package with 90 configurable terminal spinner/progress indicators.
Ng Spin KitSpinKit (http://tobiasahlin.com/spinkit/) spinners for Angular
YurnalistAn elegant console reporter, borrowed from Yarn
Ladda BootstrapLadda buttons concept originally by @hakimel, example using Bootstrap 3 by @msurguy
Mpbmulti progress bar for Go cli applications
SpintaxA Python module for parsing spintax, unlike any other module this works with nested spintax and also allows the user to escape the special characters used in its syntax.
Spinner BindingsSpinnerBindings expounds on how we can bind a Spinner with DataBinding or InverseDataBinding.
CsspinCSS Spinners and Loaders - Modular, Customizable and Single HTML Element Code for Pure CSS Loader and Spinner
Css Spinnersmall, elegant pure css spinner for ajax or loading animation
Fliplogfluent logging with verbose insight, colors, tables, emoji, filtering, spinners, progress bars, timestamps, capturing, stack traces, tracking, presets, & more...
SpinnercppSimple header only library to add a spinner / progress indicator to any terminal application.
SpinnersA Sass mixin to generate fully customizable, pure CSS3 loading/busy indicators
HintspinnerAn Android Spinner lilbrary with Hint/Header
RespinReact SVG loading spinner based on jxnblk.com/loading
React CircleRenders a svg circle + progress, it just works 💘
LibspinnerA pure C single-header library with 70+ configurable terminal spinner/progress indicators.
Re SpinnerA spinner that supports item click events