Top 68 V open source projects

1. V
Simple, fast, safe, compiled language for developing maintainable software. Compiles itself in <1s with zero library dependencies.
2. pcre
No description, website, or topics provided.
✭ 25
3. minesweeper-v
Minesweeper Written in Vlang
4. vbf
A brainfuck interpreter/compiler written in V.
5. vab
No description, website, or topics provided.
✭ 1
6. vproto
Protobuf compiler and runtime in V
7. HybridDBT
No description, website, or topics provided.
8. event-info-and-assets
No description, website, or topics provided.
✭ 59
9. OpenGL-Programming-Guide-8th-Edition-Code
No description, website, or topics provided.
10. router
11. vast
A simple tool for vlang, generate v source file to AST json file
12. 1bitSDR
Minimal SDR with Lattice MachXO2 FPGA. And a port to Cyclone3 by Steven Groom
13. discord.v
Discord Bot Framework written in V
14. vtl
The V Tensor Library
15. vwc
wc (word count) rewritten in V with a significant speed up
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17. Digital-IDE
20. r3v ch4lls
Collection of Source Code and Binaries of the reversing challenges by Elemental X
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22. openc910
OpenXuantie - OpenC910 Core
23. vsql
A sql query builder for V
24. sdl
No description, website, or topics provided.
25. vlang-sublime
Sublime Text support for the V programming language
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26. sdl2test
🎬 Testing SDL2 with V, Rust, C/++ : Nuklear, ImGui, TTF, 2D/3D, joystick, sounds, music, ...
27. boxx
📦 Create highly customizable terminal boxes that also look great!
28. ThymesisFlow
Memory Disaggregation on POWER9 with OpenCAPI 3.0 M1 & C1
29. snegopat
Snegopat для 1С 8.Х (32x)- Snegopat for 1C:Enterprise
30. runner
Run everything like a script!
31. snegopat modul
Модуль Снегопат для Core.As
32. Verilog-Practice
HDLBits website practices & solutions
33. vib
V iOS Bundler: Generic utility to bundle and sign iOS binaries.
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34. py2v
A Python to V transpiler.
35. vlibc
libc written in V
36. vspeech
📢 Complete V bindings for Mozilla's DeepSpeech TensorFlow based Speech-to-Text library. 📜
37. reflect
🪞 Runtime reflection for V (vlang)
38. neko
Wnix /bin/cat wike (≡^-ω-^≡) - concatenate fi-fiwes awnd pwint own de standawd output
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39. c2v
C/C++ to V translator
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40. vraytracer
Raytracer in a weekend course with vlang
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41. micro v
A micro V language compiler
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42. vargs
Simple argument parsing library for V.
43. vsdl2
🎬 SDL2 V module -- libSDL2 wrapper
✭ 40
44. realist
🌈 Yet another C++ SDL2 raytracer + benchmark for C, Rust, Nelua, V, Nim, C++, Odin, Go, and JS
45. viup
A V wrapper for the cross-platform UI library, IUP.
46. v-shopware-api-client
The reliable way to import and update a bazillion products.
47. mlib devel
48. vsql
✌️ Single-file or PostgreSQL-server compatible transactional SQL database written in pure V.
49. Learn-FPGA-Programming
Learn FPGA Programming, published by Packt
50. vls
V language server
1-50 of 68 V projects