Top 2045 GLSL open source projects

451. TelloSdkCoreNet
Ryze Tello Drone C# .net core Sdk wrapper
452. normals-gpu
Real-time GPU accelerated worldspace vertex normal computation techniques
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453. DeepCars
AI learns to drive a car using the NeuroEvolution algorithm using self-written OpenGL based 3D engine.
454. Fyrox
3D and 2D game engine written in Rust
455. gdb-walkers
Bring mdb walkers to gdb, also add other helpful commands.
456. BASH-Model
We developed a method animating a statistical 3D human model for biomechanical analysis to increase accessibility for non-experts, like patients, athletes, or designers.
457. OpenPixelmon
an open source rewrite of the pixelmon mod on fabric
458. threejs-particle-shader
Shader based particle system for ThreeJS
459. ensnano
ENSnano, a 3D graphical application for DNA nanostructures.
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460. SpatialMedia
No description, website, or topics provided.
461. risc-chip
Source code and samples for the RISC Chip album (music). Made with TidalCycles.
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463. memview
A real-time memory trace visualizer using valgrind
464. pacman.zig
Simple Pacman clone written in Zig.
466. PyCraft
A Minecraft clone written in python and pyglet.
467. CrossLauncher
XMB-like Android Launcher
471. faiyels
See all your code rendered at once and zoom around it using Rust & GPU rendering.
473. opengl4-tutorials-mbsoftworks
Brand new OpenGL4 tutorials! Uses GLFW as a fundamental framework.
474. vr-passport
Virtual Reality Campaign
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477. wasabi2d
Cutting-edge 2D game framework for Python
478. UnityJigglePhysics
A unity addon for adding stretchy bouncy physics to bones and meshes.
479. Open4Es-Shader-Android
This is a shader can running on Minecraft Java Edition For Phone project which uses GL4ES
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480. unity-ui-extensions
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481. LearnCinderGL
A series of tutorials designed to get folks up and running with Cinder (glNext/0.9.0)
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482. rawrscope
High performance oscilloscope generation for everyone
483. dawn-engine
Game engine designed for handling galactic sized game worlds.
484. gl-tiled
A WebGL renderer for Tiled ( maps. Demo:
485. cartography
a series of examples to render XYZ tilesets with THREE.js
486. Unity-InstancedIndirectExamples
Exploring Unity 5.6 InstanceIndirect Method to render large numbers of meshes
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487. OCCT
Open CASCADE Technology (OCCT) is an open-source software development platform for 3D CAD, CAM, CAE. This is a clone of the official repository located on Please use official development portal for registering issues and providing patches.
489. impacto
"MAGES." visual novel engine reimplementation
490. androidtv-GameController
This sample has been deprecated/archived. Check this repo for related samples:
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492. MixedReality-WorldLockingTools-Samples
Broader learning resources supporting World Locking Tools for Unity
493. godot-WaterPack
godot water package (WIP)
495. kokko
Simple cross-platform game engine using OpenGL.
496. TankHero-2D
a 2d tank game written in Unity
497. Mirage
Neat rendering tricks with an API. Based on Albedo by Elucent. Maintained by unascribed and Falkreon.
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498. glsl-halftone
a halftone effect in GLSL
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499. gl-vignette-background
a soft gradient background in WebGL
500. BDArmory
Gun turrets and other weapon systems for KSP
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